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Antiguo 20/04/2011, 18:01
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2008
Mensajes: 188
Antigüedad: 16 años, 3 meses
Puntos: 3
Respuesta: Problemas con Picturebox

Y tercera y última parte del código:

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

If State = DRAGGING Then
'Erase previous bbox.
Line (Bbox.Left, Bbox.Top)-Step(Bbox.width, Bbox.height), , B
'Reset bbox depending on mouse position and type of drag.
Select Case hs
Bbox.width = Bbox.width + (Bbox.Left - x)
Bbox.height = Bbox.height + (Bbox.Top - y)
Bbox.Left = x
Bbox.Top = y
Bbox.height = Bbox.height + (Bbox.Top - y)
Bbox.Top = y
'Add 1 to width to keep it greater than 0.
Bbox.width = x - Bbox.Left + 1
Bbox.height = Bbox.height + (Bbox.Top - y)
Bbox.Top = y
'Add 1 to width to keep it greater than 0.
Bbox.width = x - Bbox.Left + 1
'Add 1 to width and height to keep them greater than 0.
Bbox.width = x - Bbox.Left + 1
Bbox.height = y - Bbox.Top + 1
'Add 1 to height to keep it greater than 0.
Bbox.height = y - Bbox.Top + 1
Bbox.width = Bbox.width + (Bbox.Left - x)
'Add 1 to height to keep it greater than 0.
Bbox.height = y - Bbox.Top + 1
Bbox.Left = x
Bbox.width = Bbox.width + (Bbox.Left - x)
Bbox.Left = x
'Reset top left using deltas from MouseDown.
Bbox.Left = x - dx
Bbox.Top = y - dy
End Select
'Draw new bbox.
Line (Bbox.Left, Bbox.Top)-Step(Bbox.width, Bbox.height), , B
'Set mouse appropriate to hot spot if moving across.
MousePointer = Cursor(PtInHotSpot(Bbox, x, y))
End If

End Sub
Private Sub Form_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

'If drag finalized, release cursor and paint.
If State = DRAGGING Then
DrawMode = vbCopyPen
'Equivalent to API call ClipCursor(NULL) to free cursor.
ClearCursor 0&
End If

End Sub
Private Sub Form_Paint()

'Clear screen.

'Draw flag.
PaintPicture picFlag.Picture, Bbox.Left, Bbox.Top, Bbox.width, Bbox.height

'Draw outline with little black boxes.
DrawFrame Bbox

End Sub

Private Function PtInHotSpot%(b As box, ByVal x%, ByVal y%)

'USE: Given box, return hot spot index for point.
'IN: b = bounding box (bbox) around which hot spots are defined
' (x,y) = point to test
'RET: index of hot spot (TOP_LEFT...TRANSLATE, NO_HIT if not in any)
'NOTE: The hot spots are the given box and 8 little boxes around it.
' NO_HIT is returned if the point is in none of these hot spots.

Dim lbb As box 'to define little black boxes
Dim mx% 'x-coord of little box at middle
Dim my% 'y-coord of little box at middle

'First check for point outside extended bbox (quick reject).
If x < b.Left - MARGIN Or x > b.Left + b.width + MARGIN Or _
y < b.Top - MARGIN Or y > b.Top + b.height + MARGIN Then
PtInHotSpot = NO_HIT
Exit Function
End If

'Next check for point within bbox (quick reject).
If PtInBox(b, x, y) Then
Exit Function
End If

'Most points will satisfy one of the conditions above. All other
'points lie along a thin border MARGIN pixels wide around the bbox.
'This border contains all the hot spots except the bbox itself; so
'next check them in order, starting at the upper left and proceeding

'Check for point in top left hot spot.
lbb.Left = b.Left - MARGIN
lbb.Top = b.Top - MARGIN
lbb.width = BOXSIZE
lbb.height = BOXSIZE
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = TOP_LEFT
Exit Function
End If

'Calc middle x and y (-2 to line up at left/top edge of box).
mx = Bbox.Left + Bbox.width / 2 - HALF_BOXSIZE
my = Bbox.Top + Bbox.height / 2 - HALF_BOXSIZE

'Check for point in top middle hot spot.
'Note width and height stay at BOXSIZE, as set above.
lbb.Left = mx
lbb.Top = b.Top - MARGIN
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = TOP_MID
Exit Function
End If

'Check for point in top right hot spot.
lbb.Left = b.Left + b.width + MARGIN - BOXSIZE
lbb.Top = b.Top - MARGIN
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = TOP_RT
Exit Function
End If

'Check for point in middle right hot spot.
lbb.Left = b.Left + b.width + MARGIN - BOXSIZE
lbb.Top = my
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = MID_RT
Exit Function
End If

'Check for point in bottom right hot spot.
lbb.Left = b.Left + b.width + MARGIN - BOXSIZE
lbb.Top = b.Top + b.height + MARGIN - BOXSIZE
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = BOT_RT
Exit Function
End If

'Check for point in bottom middle hot spot.
lbb.Left = mx
lbb.Top = b.Top + b.height + MARGIN - BOXSIZE
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = BOT_MID
Exit Function
End If

'Check for point in bottom left hot spot.
lbb.Left = b.Left - MARGIN
lbb.Top = b.Top + b.height + MARGIN - BOXSIZE
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = BOT_LEFT
Exit Function
End If

'Check for point in middle left hot spot.
lbb.Left = b.Left - MARGIN
lbb.Top = my
If PtInBox(lbb, x, y) Then
PtInHotSpot = MID_LEFT
Exit Function
End If

'If get thru to here, not in any of the hot spots.
PtInHotSpot = NO_HIT

End Function

Private Function PtInBox%(b As box, ByVal x%, ByVal y%)

'USE: Returns True if given point is in the box, False otherwise.
'IN: b = box to find point in
' (x,y) = given point to test

PtInBox = x >= b.Left And x <= b.Left + b.width And _
y >= b.Top And y <= b.Top + b.height

End Function

Private Sub DrawFrame(b As box)

'USE: Draw dotted rectangle and little black boxes.
'IN: b = rectangle to draw
'NOTE: Eight little black boxes drawn at corners and middle of
' edges. Constants BOXSIZE and MARGIN determine size of the
' boxes and how close they are to the rectangle.

Dim mx% 'x-coord of little box at middle
Dim my% 'y-coord of little box at middle
Dim pRight% 'right edge
Dim pBottom% 'bottom edge

'Outline box with dotted rectangle (VB builds in margin).
DrawStyle = vbDot
Line (b.Left, b.Top)-Step(b.width, b.height), , B

'Calc middle x and y (-HALF_BOXSIZE to line up at left/top of box).
mx = b.Left + b.width / 2 - HALF_BOXSIZE
my = b.Top + b.height / 2 - HALF_BOXSIZE

'Calc right and bottom edges.
pRight = b.Left + b.width
pBottom = b.Top + b.height

'Draw little black boxes at corners and middle of edges -- start
'at upper left and proceed clockwise.
DrawStyle = vbSolid
Line (b.Left - MARGIN, b.Top - MARGIN)-Step(BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE), , BF
Line (mx, b.Top - MARGIN)-Step(BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE), , BF
Line (pRight + MARGIN, b.Top - MARGIN)-Step(-BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE), , BF
Line (pRight + MARGIN, my)-Step(-BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE), , BF
Line (pRight + MARGIN, pBottom + MARGIN)-Step(-BOXSIZE, -BOXSIZE), , BF
Line (mx, pBottom + MARGIN)-Step(BOXSIZE, -BOXSIZE), , BF
Line (b.Left - MARGIN, pBottom + MARGIN)-Step(BOXSIZE, -BOXSIZE), , BF
Line (b.Left - MARGIN, my)-Step(BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE), , BF

End Sub

Private Function Min(ByVal u, ByVal v)

'USE: Return the smaller of two integers.

If (u < v) Then
Min = u
Min = v
End If

End Function

Private Function Max(ByVal u, ByVal v)

'USE: Return the larger of two integers.

If (u < v) Then
Max = v
Max = u
End If

End Function

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

Private Sub mnuAbout_Click()

'Show About Box.
frmAbout.Show vbModal

End Sub

Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
End Sub