Tengo todo lo necesario... no se a qué es debido...
adjunto el reporte de instalacion
Código HTML:
Ver originalChecking username and private key... *OK*
<br>Checking PHP version... *OK*
<br>Checking DOMDocument support... *OK*
<br>Checking transport method...
</b> is installed. Using
</b> to handle requests
</b> is installed. Stats enabled. Please define a stats username and password in config.php
<br> Checking write permisions...
</b> is writable. Using
</b> to store cookie files and logs
<br>Checking for new versions of OpenInviter... Your OpenInviter software is up-to-date
<br>Checking Apropo... *OK*
<br>Checking Atlas... *OK*
<br>Checking Aussiemail... *OK*
<br>Checking Azet... *OK*
<br>Checking Bigstring... *OK*
<br>Checking Bordermail... *OK*
<br>Checking Canoe... *OK*
<br>Checking Care2... *OK*
<br>Checking Clevergo... *OK*
<br>Checking Doramail... *OK*
<br>Checking Evite... *OK*
<br>Checking FastMail... *OK*
<br>Checking Freemail... *OK*
<br>Checking Gawab... *OK*
<br>Checking GMail... *OK*
<br>Checking GMX.net... *OK*
<br>Checking Grafitti... *OK*
<br>Checking Live/Hotmail... *OK*
<br>Checking Hushmail... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Inbox.com... *OK*
<br>Checking India... *OK*
<br>Checking IndiaTimes... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Inet... *OK*
<br>Checking Interia... *OK*
<br>Checking KataMail... *OK*
<br>Checking Kids... *OK*
<br>Checking Libero... *OK*
<br>Checking LinkedIn... *OK*
<br>Checking Lycos... *OK*
<br>Checking Mail2World... *OK*
<br>Checking Mail.com... *OK*
<br>Checking Mail.in... *OK*
<br>Checking Mail.ru... *OK*
<br>Checking Meta... *OK*
<br>Checking MSN... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Mynet.com... *OK*
<br>Checking Netaddress... *OK*
<br>Checking Nz11... *OK*
<br>Checking OperaMail... *OK*
<br>Checking Plaxo... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Pochta... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Popstarmail... *OK*
<br>Checking Rambler... *OK*
<br>Checking Rediff... *OK*
<br>Checking Sapo.pt... *OK*
<br>Checking Techemail... *OK*
<br>Checking Terra... *OK*
<br>Checking Uk2... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Virgilio... *OK*
<br>Checking Walla... *OK*
<br>Checking Web.de... *OK*
<br>Checking Wp.pt... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Xing... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Yahoo!... *OK*
<br>Checking Yandex... *OK*
<br>Checking YouTube... *OK*
<br>Checking Zapakmail... *OK*
<br>Checking Badoo... *OK*
<br>Checking Bebo... *OK*
<br>Checking Bookcrossing... *OK*
<br>Checking Brazencareerist... *OK*
<br>Checking Cyworld... *OK*
<br>Checking Eons... *OK*
<br>Checking Facebook... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Faces... *OK*
<br>Checking Famiva... *OK*
<br>Checking Fdcareer... *OK*
<br>Checking Flickr... *OK*
<br>Checking Flingr... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Flixster... *OK*
<br>Checking Friendfeed... *OK*
<br>Checking Friendster... *OK*
<br>Checking Hi5... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Hyves... *OK*
<br>Checking Kincafe... *OK*
<br>Checking Konnects... *OK*
<br>Checking Koolro... *OK*
<br>Checking Last.fm... *OK*
<br>Checking Livejournal... *OK*
<br>Checking Lovento... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Meinvz... *OK*
<br>Checking Mevio... *OK*
<br>Checking Motortopia... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Multiply... *OK*
<br>Checking Mycatspace... *OK*
<br>Checking Mydogspace... *OK*
<br>Checking MySpace... *OK*
<br>Checking NetLog... *OK*
<br>Checking Ning... *OK*
<br>Checking Orkut... *OK*
<br>Checking Perfspot... *OK*
<br>Checking Plazes... *OK*
<br>Checking Plurk... *OK*
<br>Checking Skyrock... *OK*
<br>Checking Tagged... *NOT OK* - This plugin might not work correctly on your system
<br>Checking Twitter... *OK*
<br>Checking Vimeo... *OK*
<br>Checking Vkontakte... *OK*
<br>Checking Xanga... *OK*
<br>Checking Xuqa... *OK*
</b> Delete postinstall.php before running OpenInviter. Also please note that you cannot run postinstall.php again for 2 minutes.
y sí, he borrado el "postinstall.php"