29/12/2010, 16:44
| | Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2008
Mensajes: 50
Antigüedad: 16 años, 5 meses Puntos: 1 | |
Respuesta: como se agrega dll libHandle = NULL;
libHandle = LoadLibrary("mpusbapi.dll");
if(libHandle == NULL)
cout<<"LoadLibrary ERROR \n\r";
cout<<"LoadLibrary Success \n\r";
MPUSBGetDLLVersion=(DWORD(*)(void))GetProcAddress( libHandle,"_MPUSBGetDLLVersion");
// MPUSBGetDLLVersion = DWORD _MPUSBGetDLLVersion;
// MPUSBGetDeviceCount=(DWORD(*)(PCHAR))GetProcAddres s(libHandle,"_MPUSBGetDeviceCount");
// if((MPUSBGetDLLVersion==NULL)||(MPUSBGetDeviceCoun t==NULL)) printf("GetProcAddress Error\r\n");
// cout << "The VID/PID being tested: " << vid_pid << endl;
temp = MPUSBGetDLLVersion();
cout << "DLL Version => " << hex << temp << endl;
//temp = MPUSBGetDeviceCount(vid_pid);
Aqui te pongo el codigo y los problemas que devuelve:
assignment of function `DWORD MPUSBGetDLLVersion()'
cannot convert `DWORD (*)()' to `DWORD ()()' in assignment |