Bueno veamos , el primero es muy simple solo se cambia los valores left y top de la capa :
Código PHP:
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var delay=3000 //pausa (en milisegundos)
var fcontent=new Array()
begintag='<font face="Arial" size=2>' //tag que abre los mensajes
fcontent[0]="<b>Ejemplo...</b><br><br>Crear un sitio web es relativamente fácil. Lo dificil es darle un buen contenido, diseño y enfoque"
fcontent[1]="El tener en un mismo sitio, mas de 3 paginas de informacion, cansa al visitante y lo hace dejar el sitio."
fcontent[2]="Una de las causas por las que el visitante regresa a un sitio frecuentemente es porque bla, bla, bla."
var fwidth=150 //ancho
var fheight=150 //alto
///No editar/////////////////
var ie4=document.all&&!document.getElementById
var ns4=document.layers
var DOM2=document.getElementById
var faderdelay=0
var index=0
if (DOM2)
//function to change content
function changecontent(){
if (index>=fcontent.length)
if (DOM2){
else if (ie4)
else if (ns4){
// colorfade() partially by Marcio Galli for Netscape Communications. ////////////
hex=255 // Initial color value.
function colorfade() {
// 20 frames fading process
if(frame>0) {
hex-=12; // increase color value
document.getElementById("fscroller").style.color="rgb("+hex+","+hex+","+hex+")"; // Set color value.
if (ie4||DOM2)
document.write('<div id="fscroller" style="position:absolute;left:300px;top:150px;border:1px solid black;width:'+fwidth+';height:'+fheight+';padding:2px"></div>')
<ilayer id="fscrollerns" width=&{fwidth}; height=&{fheight};><layer id="fscrollerns_sub" width=&{fwidth}; height=&{fheight}; left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer>
ahora el segundo , ese si que es un problema , utiliza muchas funciones matematicas , y encontrar el valor exacto es mas trabajoso... pero bueno estoy osioso hoy asi que aqui va :
Código PHP:
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" scroll="no">
<!-- // Hide
var isDOM = false, isNS4 = false;
if (document.all) var isDOM = true, docObj = 'document.all.', styObj = '.style';
else if (document.layers) var isNS4 = true, docObj = 'document.', styObj = '';
var quotes = new Array(); c = 0;
quotes[c] = 'So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Yomama so...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Nothing lasts forever but the tomato'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'mmmm... chocolaaateahrghlly...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Who let the dogs out?'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Dang it... the boy aint right'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Shrimp gumbo, shrimp patties, shrimp...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Och aye the noo!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Respect my authoritaah!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'So cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'And Id say, "Oi! You! NO!"'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Thats a one, spicy! meat-a-ball!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'The world is a vampire...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'This is the quote that never ends...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Screeew you guys, Im going home'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'The Earth is full. Go home!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'So many pedestrians, so little time...'; c++;
var visQuotes = 10; // Maximum onscreen at once.
var sDivSty = new Array(visQuotes);
var sDivRef = new Array(visQuotes);
var speed = new Array(visQuotes);
// Left: Low speed colours (lighter) .... Right: High speed colours (darker).
var colours = new Array('B2C7DE','A4BCD8','96B2D2','88A8CC','7A9EC6'
function checkDivs()
for (i = 0; i < visQuotes; i++)
// If it's moved offscreen to the left (or starting), set things in motion...
if (parseInt(sDivSty[i].left) < (0 - (isDOM ? sDivRef[i].clientWidth : sDivSty[i].clip.width)))
speed[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 56) + 8; // Varies: 8 to 63.
// Off to the right it goes.
sDivSty[i].left = (isDOM ? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth) + Math.random() * 50;
// Write a quote in a colour that depends on the speed.
/* Stylesheets - guess which browser has bugs :)
* divText = '<nobr><span style="font: ' + speed[i] + 'px Arial, Helvetica; ' +
* 'color: #' + colours[Math.floor(speed[i] / 8) - 1] + '">' +
* quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)] + '</span></nobr>';
fontSize = Math.floor(speed[i] / 8) - 1;
divText = '<nobr><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="' + fontSize + '" color="#' +
colours[fontSize] + '">' + quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)] +
if (isDOM) sDivRef[i].innerHTML = divText;
if (isNS4)
// Position and layer it according to its speed (faster = higher).
sDivSty[i].zIndex = speed[i];
topMax = 100//(isDOM ? document.body.clientHeight : innerHeight) - speed[i];
sDivSty[i].top = topMax * Math.random() + 140;
// All items: Keep 'em moving left.
sDivSty[i].left = parseInt(sDivSty[i].left) - (speed[i] / 4);
function initDivs()
for (i = 0; i < visQuotes; i++)
divID = 'sDiv' + i.toString();
if (isDOM) document.write('<div id="' + divID + '" style="position: absolute; left: -1000"> </div>');
// Have to use layers, divs are buggy as..... in NS. Again.
if (isNS4) document.write('<layer id="' + divID + '" left="-1000"> </layer>');
sDivRef[i] = eval(docObj + 'sDiv' + i);
sDivSty[i] = eval(docObj + 'sDiv' + i + styObj);
setInterval('checkDivs()', 50);
if (isDOM || isNS4) initDivs();
// End Hide -->
solo cambie el valor maximo del ancho de las capas y la distancia del borde superior..