Bueno despues de tanto buscar y ensayar varios codigos encontre este que si funciona:
Código PHP:
* IFrame SSI script II- C Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (http://www.dynamicdrive.com)
* Visit DynamicDrive.com for hundreds of original DHTML scripts
* This notice must stay intact for legal use
//Input the IDs of the IFRAMES you wish to dynamically resize to match its content height:
//Separate each ID with a comma. Examples: ["myframe1", "myframe2"] or ["myframe"] or [] for none:
var iframeids=["myframe"]
//Should script hide iframe from browsers that don't support this script (non IE5+/NS6+ browsers. Recommended):
var iframehide="yes"
var getFFVersion=navigator.userAgent.substring(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")).split("/")[1]
var FFextraHeight=parseFloat(getFFVersion)>=0.1? 16 : 0 //extra height in px to add to iframe in FireFox 1.0+ browsers
function resizeCaller() {
var dyniframe=new Array()
for (i=0; i<iframeids.length; i++){
if (document.getElementById)
//reveal iframe for lower end browsers? (see var above):
if ((document.all || document.getElementById) && iframehide=="no"){
var tempobj=document.all? document.all[iframeids[i]] : document.getElementById(iframeids[i])
function resizeIframe(frameid){
var currentfr=document.getElementById(frameid)
if (currentfr && !window.opera){
if (currentfr.contentDocument && currentfr.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight) //ns6 syntax
currentfr.height = currentfr.contentDocument.body.offsetHeight+FFextraHeight;
else if (currentfr.Document && currentfr.Document.body.scrollHeight) //ie5+ syntax
currentfr.height = currentfr.Document.body.scrollHeight;
if (currentfr.addEventListener)
currentfr.addEventListener("load", readjustIframe, false)
else if (currentfr.attachEvent){
currentfr.detachEvent("onload", readjustIframe) // Bug fix line
currentfr.attachEvent("onload", readjustIframe)
function readjustIframe(loadevt) {
var crossevt=(window.event)? event : loadevt
var iframeroot=(crossevt.currentTarget)? crossevt.currentTarget : crossevt.srcElement
if (iframeroot)
function loadintoIframe(iframeid, url){
if (document.getElementById)
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", resizeCaller, false)
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", resizeCaller)
Código PHP:
<iframe id="myframe" name="principal" src="centro.php" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" style="overflow:visible; width:100%; display:none"></iframe>