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Antiguo 17/04/2003, 13:39
Fecha de Ingreso: abril-2003
Mensajes: 5
Antigüedad: 21 años, 10 meses
Puntos: 0
No consigo que salgan en el centro

Necesito que alguien me ayude con esto,el problema es que cuando le doy a vista preliminar me sale en una esquina y yo lo que quiero es q el cuadro me salga en el centro de la pagina, he intentado arreglarmelas cambiandole cosas pero no doy con la tela.Debajo de este tb hay otro Java con el que me ocurre lo mismo, las frases salen por toda la pantalla y yo solo quiero que me salgan por el centro, si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradecere sino gracias de todas formas

<script language="JavaScript1.2">

var delay=3000 //pausa (en milisegundos)
var fcontent=new Array()
begintag='<font face="Arial" size=2>' //tag que abre los mensajes
fcontent[0]="<b>Ejemplo...</b><br><br>Crear un sitio web es relativamente fácil. Lo dificil es darle un buen contenido, diseño y enfoque"
fcontent[1]="El tener en un mismo sitio, mas de 3 paginas de informacion, cansa al visitante y lo hace dejar el sitio."
fcontent[2]="Una de las causas por las que el visitante regresa a un sitio frecuentemente es porque bla, bla, bla."

var fwidth=150 //ancho
var fheight=150 //alto

///No editar/////////////////

var ie4=document.all&&!document.getElementById
var ns4=document.layers
var DOM2=document.getElementById
var faderdelay=0
var index=0

if (DOM2)

//function to change content
function changecontent(){
if (index>=fcontent.length)
if (DOM2){
document.getElementById("fscroller").style.color=" rgb(255,255,255)"
document.getElementById("fscroller").innerHTML=beg intag+fcontent[index]+closetag
else if (ie4)
else if (ns4){
document.fscrollerns.document.fscrollerns_sub.docu ment.write(begintag+fcontent[index]+closetag)
document.fscrollerns.document.fscrollerns_sub.docu ment.close()


// colorfade() partially by Marcio Galli for Netscape Communications. ////////////

hex=255 // Initial color value.

function colorfade() {
// 20 frames fading process
if(frame>0) {
hex-=12; // increase color value
document.getElementById("fscroller").style.color=" rgb("+hex+","+hex+","+hex+")"; // Set color value.
document.getElementById("fscroller").style.color=" rgb(0,0,0)";

if (ie4||DOM2)
document.write('<div id="fscroller" style="border:1px solid black;width:'+fwidth+';height:'+fheight+';padding: 2px"></div>')


<ilayer id="fscrollerns" width=&{fwidth}; height=&{fheight};><layer id="fscrollerns_sub" width=&{fwidth}; height=&{fheight}; left=0 top=0></layer></ilayer>




Quotation Scroller v1.0 by Angus Turnbull Updated: 15 Feb 2001
Secondary Redirect:


<body bgcolor="#ffffff" scroll="no">

<!-- // Hide

var isDOM = false, isNS4 = false;
if (document.all) var isDOM = true, docObj = 'document.all.', styObj = '.style';
else if (document.layers) var isNS4 = true, docObj = 'document.', styObj = '';

var quotes = new Array(); c = 0;
quotes[c] = 'So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Yomama so...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Nothing lasts forever but the tomato'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'mmmm... chocolaaateahrghlly...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Who let the dogs out?'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Dang it... the boy ain\'t right'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Shrimp gumbo, shrimp patties, shrimp...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Och aye th\' noo!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Respect my authoritaah!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'So cunning you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasel'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'And I\'d say, "Oi! You! NO!"'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'That\'s a one, spicy! meat-a-ball!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'The world is a vampire...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'This is the quote that never ends...'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'Screeew you guys, I\'m going home'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'The Earth is full. Go home!'; c++;
quotes[c] = 'So many pedestrians, so little time...'; c++;

var visQuotes = 10; // Maximum onscreen at once.

var sDivSty = new Array(visQuotes);
var sDivRef = new Array(visQuotes);
var speed = new Array(visQuotes);

// Left: Low speed colours (lighter) .... Right: High speed colours (darker).
var colours = new Array('B2C7DE','A4BCD8','96B2D2','88A8CC','7A9EC6' ,'6C94C0','5E89BA');

function checkDivs()
for (i = 0; i < visQuotes; i++)
// If it's moved offscreen to the left (or starting), set things in motion...
if (parseInt(sDivSty[i].left) < (0 - (isDOM ? sDivRef[i].clientWidth : sDivSty[i].clip.width)))
speed[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 56) + 8; // Varies: 8 to 63.
// Off to the right it goes.
sDivSty[i].left = (isDOM ? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth) + Math.random() * 50;
// Write a quote in a colour that depends on the speed.

/* Stylesheets - guess which browser has bugs :)
* divText = '<nobr><span style="font: ' + speed[i] + 'px Arial, Helvetica; ' +
* 'color: #' + colours[Math.floor(speed[i] / 8) - 1] + '">' +
* quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)] + '</span></nobr>';

fontSize = Math.floor(speed[i] / 8) - 1;
divText = '<nobr><font face="Arial, Helvetica" size="' + fontSize + '" color="#' +
colours[fontSize] + '">' + quotes[Math.floor(Math.random() * quotes.length)] +

if (isDOM) sDivRef[i].innerHTML = divText;
if (isNS4)
// Position and layer it according to its speed (faster = higher).
sDivSty[i].zIndex = speed[i];
topMax = (isDOM ? document.body.clientHeight : innerHeight) - speed[i];
sDivSty[i].top = topMax * Math.random();
// All items: Keep 'em moving left.
sDivSty[i].left = parseInt(sDivSty[i].left) - (speed[i] / 4);

function initDivs()
for (i = 0; i < visQuotes; i++)
divID = 'sDiv' + i.toString();
if (isDOM) document.write('<div id="' + divID + '" style="position: absolute; left: -1000">&nbsp;</div>');
// Have to use layers, divs are buggy as..... in NS. Again.
if (isNS4) document.write('<layer id="' + divID + '" left="-1000">&nbsp;</layer>');
sDivRef[i] = eval(docObj + 'sDiv' + i);
sDivSty[i] = eval(docObj + 'sDiv' + i + styObj);

setInterval('checkDivs()', 50);

if (isDOM || isNS4) initDivs();

// End Hide -->

<div id="mainText" style="position: absolute; left: 100; top: 200; z-index: 100">
<h1>'Ello 'ello 'ello what 'ave we 'ere then?</h1>
