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Antiguo 25/10/2010, 03:50
Avatar de WalkeEer
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2006
Mensajes: 4
Antigüedad: 19 años
Puntos: 0
No funciona juego php.

Este código es un juego de php el "ahorcado". Sacado de la página:

Lo he subido en la web: y no me funciona bien. Me refresca en cambio en localhost me funciona perfectamente. Creo que es por tema de sesiones y no funciona.

¿Alguien sabe la solución? Gracias.

//-- HANGMAN v1.1 --
//-- PHP game by Giovanni Crisci --
//-- --
//-- Images taken from ASP code written by --
//-- ASP101 --

$file_parole = 'parole.txt'; //file that contains all the words

//functions and variables
$alfabeto = array ('A' => 'a','B' => 'b','C' => 'c','D' => 'd','E' => 'e',
'F' => 'f','G' => 'g','H' => 'h','I' => 'i','J' => 'j','K' => 'k','L' => 'l',
'M' => 'm','N' => 'n','O' => 'o','P' => 'p','Q' => 'q','R' => 'r','S' => 's',
'T' => 't','U' => 'u','V' => 'v','W' => 'w','X' => 'x','Y' => 'y','Z' => 'z');
$paperino = session_name ("hangman");
session_register ("gchangman");

//choose a random word from the file
function ScegliParola ($file_parole) {
$content = file ($file_parole);
$numero_parole = (count ($content)-1);
$posizione_parola = rand (0, ($numero_parole));
$linea = $content[$posizione_parola];
$parola = rtrim ($linea);
return ($parola);

// changes all the unguessed letters with _
function CalcolaIndovinata ($parola, $escludi, $alfabeto) {
$alfabeto = array_flip ($alfabeto);
$escluse = strtr ($escludi, $alfabeto);
$escluse = '['.$escluse.']';
$escluse = ereg_replace ($escluse, '', '[ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]');
$indovinata = ereg_replace ($escluse, '_', $parola);
return $indovinata;

// seeks the chosen letter in the word
function TrovaLettera ($lettera, $parola, $scelte, $alfabeto) {
$alfabeto = array_flip ($alfabeto);
$lettera = strtr ($lettera, $alfabeto);
$scelte.= $lettera;
if (ereg ($lettera, $parola)) {
$controllo = true;
else {
$controllo = false;
$risposta = array ($scelte, $controllo);
return $risposta;

// and this is the programme!

if ((isset($letter) and isset($gchangman))) {
$variab = explode ('/', $gchangman);
$indovina = $variab[0];
$scelte = $variab[1];
$tentativi = $variab[2];
$checklet = TrovaLettera ($letter, $indovina, $scelte, $alfabeto);
$scelte = $checklet[0];
if (!$checklet[1]) {
$tentativi = $tentativi +1;
$indovinata = CalcolaIndovinata ($indovina, $scelte, $alfabeto);
else {
$scelte = ('_');
$indovina = ScegliParola ($file_parole);
$indovinata = CalcolaIndovinata ($indovina, $scelte, $alfabeto);

$gchangman = ($indovina.'/'.$scelte.'/'.$tentativi);


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE> Giovanni Crisci - Hangman </TITLE>

print ('<IMG SRC="images/hang_'.($tentativi+1).'.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100 ALT="Miss '.$tentativi.'/6"><BR><BR>');
$caratteri = preg_split('//', $indovinata, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($caratteri as $lettalf) {
$lettalf = strtr ($lettalf, $alfabeto);
if ($lettalf==' ') {
print ('<IMG SRC="images/lb_~.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="">');
else {
print ('<IMG SRC="images/lb_'.$lettalf.'.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="'.$lettalf.'">');
print ('<IMG SRC="images/lb_~.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="">');
print ('<BR><BR>');

if ($indovina!=$indovinata) {
if ($tentativi>=6) {
print ('Sorry, you hanged yourself. The word you had to guess is: '.$indovina);
else {
$scelt = preg_split('//', $scelte, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
print ('<BR>');
foreach ($alfabeto as $lettalf) {
$contrl = false;
foreach ($scelt as $lett) {
if (!strcasecmp ($lettalf, $lett)) {
$contrl = true;
if ($contrl) {
print ('<IMG SRC="images/lr_'.$lettalf.'.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="'.$lettalf.'">');
else {
print ('<A HREF="'.$PHP_SELF.'?letter='.$lettalf.'&'.SID.'">< IMG SRC="images/lb_'.$lettalf.'.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=20 ALT="'.$lettalf.'"></A>');
if ($lettalf=='m') {
print ('<BR>');
else {
print ('Congratulations! You guessed the word.');

<P><A HREF=<?php print ('"'.$PHP_SELF.'"'); ?>>New Game</A></P>