Iniciado por mayid
Mh... No conocía la función doquery. Pensé que la definías vos.
Serías así con mysql:
No se si eso cambie en algo tu mensaje de error. Me gustaría saber que hay en common.php
El common.php es este, aunque no creo que le consigas nada, doquery si esta definida en alguna parte, pero no se exactamente en cual de varios archivos, doquery estaba por default en el archivo que modifico, y pues utilize esa funcion ya que servia bieen.
Código PHP:
* common.php
* @version 1.0
* @copyright 2008 by ??????? for XNova
// This is purely for the sake of the admin panel, do not, change it, instead change the version in
define('VERSION','beta13'); // Current XNova version
//Check rootpath
//$info =debug_backtrace();
if(!defined(ROOT_PATH)){ @define('ROOT_PATH',$xnova_root_path); /*trigger_error("Error, ROOT_PATH is not defined in ".$info[0]['file']); unset($info);*/ }
$xnova_root_path = ROOT_PATH;
//A bit of comfig
$phpEx = "php"; //This is dangerous and will be fased out asap.
$lang = array(); //We should start the language array now.
$link = false; //Link for mysql atm nothing.
$IsUserChecked = false; //No, we haven't checked user yet.
//Basic Game constants
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'SETUP.PHP');
//Load the session.
if(UNITTYPE == "domain"){
$domain = str_ireplace("www.","",$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
$domain = explode(".",$domain);
$uni = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $domain[UNI_IN_DOMAIN]);
}elseif(UNITTYPE == "get"){
if(!$_GET[GETVAL]){ $_GET[GETVAL] = $_GET['s']; }
if(!$_GET[GETVAL]){ $_GET[GETVAL] = $_POST['s']; }
if(!$_GET[GETVAL]){ die("Error, unknown session, please login again"); define('UNIVERSE',''); }
else{ define('UNIVERSE',preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $_GET[GETVAL])); }
//echo UNIVERSE;
//And lets include the game files
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/error_handler.php'); //Errors handling
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/constants.php'); //More Game constants
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/functions.php'); //Functions
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/display.php'); //Display functions
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/unlocalised.php'); //Language function
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/loadfunctions.php'); //All the game functions.
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'lang/'); //Language configs.*/
//Set language
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/vars.php'); //Load the variables
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/db.php'); //Load the sql database
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/strings.php'); //Load some strings
//We need some pages to only have a small load on the server.
$basic_pages = array('im','fleetajax');
if(in_array($_GET['page'],$basic_pages) && strlen($_GET['page']) > 0){
// Lecture de la table de configuration
$query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}}",'config');
while($row = FetchArray($query)){
$game_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value'];
$Result = CheckTheUser ( $IsUserChecked );
$IsUserChecked = $Result['state'];
$user = $Result['record'];
// Jeux en mode 'clos' ???
if($game_config['game_disable'] > 0){
if ($user['authlevel'] < 1) {
message ( stripslashes ( $game_config['close_reason'] ), $game_config['game_name'] );
require_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/userconstants.php'); //user specific constants
includeLang ("system");
includeLang ('tech');
getLang ('general');
getLang ('names');
getLang ('menu');
//What pages do we no need to be logged in for
$login_not_required = array('changelog','validate');
if ($user['id'] > 0) {
//ajax pages want to be quick load, so not generating combat reports or anything
//Right, lets completely recode all the missions and fleet management.
include(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/ManageFleets.php');
//Lets get current rank
$rank = doquery("SELECT COUNT('id') +1 AS 'rank' FROM {{table}} WHERE `total_points` > '".$user['total_points']."' ;",'users',true);
//If they have no skin, give them the default
if(!$user['skin']){ $user['skin'] = DEFAULT_SKIN; }
//Do they have commander?
if($user[$resource[601]."_exp"] >= time()){ define("COMMANDER",true); }
else{ define("COMMANDER",false); }
//Set the planet if the user has changed it.
if($_GET['cp'] > 0 && $_GET['cp'] != $user['current_planet']){ SetSelectedPlanet($user); }
//Set the language if the user has changed it.
if(strlen($_GET['lang']) > 0 && @in_array($_GET['lang'],$basedlang)){
doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `lang` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['lang'])."' WHERE `id` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1 ;",'users');
//Get planet row and galaxy row.
if(!$planetrow){ $planetrow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id` = '".$user['current_planet']."';", 'planets', true); }
//if(!$galaxyrow){ $galaxyrow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `id_planet` = '".$planetrow['id']."';", 'galaxy', true); }
//Check for cheating potentially.
//Log them out (unless we are on the login page).
if(!defined('LOGIN') || LOGIN != true){
if($_GET['demo'] == 'special'){
$user['skin'] = "";
header("Location: ".LOGINURL);
} else {