Hola foreros y maestros del php, hace rato tomé un codigo llamado last rss, el código al subirlo a mi web
http://manganimemas.com me trae los ultimos posts de mi blog de blogger (el cual no dejo por que me hace la vida muy facil) y funciona bien pero me lanza un notice
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/vhosts/manganimemas.com/httpdocs/lastRSS.php on line 155
no cacho la verdad el problema, ya revise esas lineas, se supone que el aviso lo da cuando tomamos valores de un array que no existe, entonces puse el archivo en mi localhost, y ahi no me dice nada, verifiqué el display errors de mi php.ini y esta en On asi que no entiendo el problema, soy bastante novaton, alguien podría hecharme un cable, dejo el código de last RSS por si quieren checarlo, si no pues no se apuren, seguro puedo hacer algo pero ya me duele la cabeza.
Código PHP:
Ver original<?php
class lastRSS {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public properties
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
var $default_cp = 'UTF-8';
var $CDATA = 'nochange';
var $cp = '';
var $items_limit = 0;
var $stripHTML = False;
var $date_format = '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private variables
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
var $channeltags = array ('title', 'link', 'description', 'language', 'copyright', 'managingEditor', 'webMaster', 'lastBuildDate', 'rating', 'docs'); var $itemtags = array('title', 'link', 'description', 'author', 'category', 'comments', 'enclosure', 'guid', 'pubDate', 'source'); var $imagetags = array('title', 'url', 'link', 'width', 'height'); var $textinputtags = array('title', 'description', 'name', 'link');
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse RSS file and returns associative array.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function Get ($rss_url) {
if ($this->cache_dir != '') {
$cache_file = $this->cache_dir . '/rsscache_' . md5($rss_url); if ($timedif < $this->cache_time) {
// cached file is fresh enough, return cached array
// set 'cached' to 1 only if cached file is correct
if ($result) $result['cached'] = 1;
} else {
// cached file is too old, create new
$result = $this->Parse($rss_url);
if ($f = @fopen($cache_file, 'w')) { }
if ($result) $result['cached'] = 0;
// If CACHE DISABLED >> load and parse the file directly
else {
$result = $this->Parse($rss_url);
if ($result) $result['cached'] = 0;
// return result
return $result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Modification of preg_match(); return trimed field with index 1
// from 'classic' preg_match() array output
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function my_preg_match ($pattern, $subject) {
// start regullar expression
// if there is some result... process it and return it
// Process CDATA (if present)
if ($this->CDATA == 'content') { // Get CDATA content (without CDATA tag)
$out[1] = strtr($out[1], array('<![CDATA['=>'', ']]>'=>'')); } elseif ($this->CDATA == 'strip') { // Strip CDATA
$out[1] = strtr($out[1], array('<![CDATA['=>'', ']]>'=>'')); }
// If code page is set convert character encoding to required
if ($this->cp != '')
//$out[1] = $this->MyConvertEncoding($this->rsscp, $this->cp, $out[1]);
$out[1] = iconv($this->rsscp, $this->cp.'//TRANSLIT', $out[1]); // Return result
} else {
// if there is NO result, return empty string
return '';
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace HTML entities &something; by real characters
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function unhtmlentities ($string) {
// Get HTML entities table
// Flip keys<==>values
// Add support for ' entity (missing in HTML_ENTITIES)
$trans_tbl += array(''' => "'"); // Replace entities by values
return strtr ($string, $trans_tbl); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parse() is private method used by Get() to load and parse RSS file.
// Don't use Parse() in your scripts - use Get($rss_file) instead.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function Parse ($rss_url) {
// Open and load RSS file
if ($f = @fopen($rss_url, 'r')) { $rss_content = '';
$rss_content .= fgets($f, 4096); }
// Parse document encoding
$result['encoding'] = $this->my_preg_match("'encoding=[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"]'si", $rss_content);
// if document codepage is specified, use it
if ($result['encoding'] != '')
{ $this->rsscp = $result['encoding']; } // This is used in my_preg_match()
// otherwise use the default codepage
{ $this->rsscp = $this->default_cp; } // This is used in my_preg_match()
// Parse CHANNEL info
preg_match("'<channel.*?>(.*?)</channel>'si", $rss_content, $out_channel); foreach($this->channeltags as $channeltag)
$temp = $this->my_preg_match("'<$channeltag.*?>(.*?)</$channeltag>'si", $out_channel[1]);
if ($temp != '') $result[$channeltag] = $temp; // Set only if not empty
// If date_format is specified and lastBuildDate is valid
// convert lastBuildDate to specified date format
// Parse TEXTINPUT info
preg_match("'<textinput(|[^>]*[^/])>(.*?)</textinput>'si", $rss_content, $out_textinfo); // This a little strange regexp means:
// Look for tag <textinput> with or without any attributes, but skip truncated version <textinput /> (it's not beggining tag)
if (isset($out_textinfo[2])) { foreach($this->textinputtags as $textinputtag) {
$temp = $this->my_preg_match("'<$textinputtag.*?>(.*?)</$textinputtag>'si", $out_textinfo[2]);
if ($temp != '') $result['textinput_'.$textinputtag] = $temp; // Set only if not empty
// Parse IMAGE info
preg_match("'<image.*?>(.*?)</image>'si", $rss_content, $out_imageinfo); if (isset($out_imageinfo[1])) { foreach($this->imagetags as $imagetag) {
$temp = $this->my_preg_match("'<$imagetag.*?>(.*?)</$imagetag>'si", $out_imageinfo[1]);
if ($temp != '') $result['image_'.$imagetag] = $temp; // Set only if not empty
// Parse ITEMS
preg_match_all("'<item(| .*?)>(.*?)</item>'si", $rss_content, $items); $rss_items = $items[2];
$i = 0;
$result['items'] = array(); // create array even if there are no items foreach($rss_items as $rss_item) {
// If number of items is lower then limit: Parse one item
if ($i < $this->items_limit || $this->items_limit == 0) {
foreach($this->itemtags as $itemtag) {
$temp = $this->my_preg_match("'<$itemtag.*?>(.*?)</$itemtag>'si", $rss_item);
if ($temp != '') $result['items'][$i][$itemtag] = $temp; // Set only if not empty
// Strip HTML tags and other bullshit from DESCRIPTION
if ($this->stripHTML && $result['items'][$i]['description'])
$result['items'][$i]['description'] = strip_tags($this->unhtmlentities(strip_tags($result['items'][$i]['description']))); // Strip HTML tags and other bullshit from TITLE
if ($this->stripHTML && $result['items'][$i]['title'])
$result['items'][$i]['title'] = strip_tags($this->unhtmlentities(strip_tags($result['items'][$i]['title']))); // If date_format is specified and pubDate is valid
// convert pubDate to specified date format
// Item counter
$result['items_count'] = $i;
return $result;
else // Error in opening return False
return False;
Bueno vi que se puede deshabilitar el php notice, no se que tan bueno sea, pero no parece muy malo :S