Ver Mensaje Individual
  #4 (permalink)  
Antiguo 15/06/2010, 07:08
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2009
Mensajes: 76
Antigüedad: 15 años, 3 meses
Puntos: 2
Respuesta: Ayuda Juego Browser

fleet.php ( archivo que nos da una tabla con el total de nuestros hombres para elegir los que necesitamos para la mision)


define('INSIDE', true);
$ugamela_root_path = './';
include($ugamela_root_path . '');
include($ugamela_root_path . 'common.'.$phpEx);

if(!check_user()){ header("Location: login.php"); }
//if($user['authlevel'] != 3){ message("Przebudowa","work","overview.php","3"); }

// Esta funcion permite cambiar el planeta actual.
include($ugamela_root_path . 'includes/planet_toggle.'.$phpEx);

$planetrow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id={$user['current_planet']}",'planets',true);
$galaxyrow = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE id_planet={$planetrow['id']}",'galaxy',true);
$dpath = (!$user["dpath"]) ? DEFAULT_SKINPATH : $user["dpath"];
$maxfleet = doquery("SELECT COUNT(fleet_owner) as ilosc FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_owner='{$user['id']}'",'fleets',true);
$maxfleet_count = $maxfleet["ilosc"];
//$flota = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_owner={$user['id']}",'flota',true);




	$missiontype = array(
		1 => 'Atacar',
		3 => 'Transportar',
		4 => 'Desplegar',
		5 => 'Destruir',
		6 => 'Espiar',
		8 => 'Recojer',
		9 => 'Negociar',
	$speed = array(
		10 => 100,
		9 => 90,
		8 => 80,
		7 => 70,
		6 => 60,
		5 => 50,
		4 => 40,
		3 => 30,
		2 => 20,
		1 => 10,

	if(!$galaxy){$galaxy = $planetrow['galaxy'];}
	if(!$system){$system = $planetrow['system'];}
	if(!$planet){$planet = $planetrow['planet'];}
	if(!$planettype){$planettype = $planetrow['planet_type'];}
	$ile = ''.++$user[$resource[108]].'';	
	$page = '<script language="JavaScript" src="scripts/flotten.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="scripts/ocnt.js"></script>
    <table width="519" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
      <tr height="20">
        <td colspan="9" class="c">Ataques (Max. '.$ile.')</td>
      <tr height="20">
        <th>Matones Total</th>
	  Here must show the fleet movings of owner player.

	$fq = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE fleet_owner={$user[id]}",'fleets');

	while($f = mysql_fetch_array($fq)){
		$page .= "<tr height=20><th>$i</th><th>";
		$page .= "<a title=\"\">{$missiontype[$f[fleet_mission]]}</a>";
		$page .= "<a title=\"Hombres Enviados\">(F)</a>";
		$page .= "</th><th><a title=\"";
		  Se debe hacer una lista de las tropas
		$fleet = explode(";",$f['fleet_array']);
		foreach($fleet as $a =>$b){
			if($b != ''){
				$a = explode(",",$b);
				$page .= "{$lang['tech']{$a[0]}}: {$a[1]}\n";
				if($e>1){$page .= "\t";}
		$page .= "\">{$f[fleet_amount]}</a></th>";
		$page .= "<th>".gmdate("D M d H:i:s",$f['fleet_start_hour']+2*60*60)."</th>";
		$page .= "<th>[{$f[fleet_start_galaxy]}:{$f[fleet_start_system]}:{$f[fleet_start_planet]}]</th>";
		$page .= "<th>".gmdate("D M d H:i:s",$f['fleet_start_time']+2*60*60)."</th>";
		$page .= "<th>[{$f[fleet_end_galaxy]}:{$f[fleet_end_system]}:{$f[fleet_end_planet]}]</th>";
		$page .= "<th>".gmdate("D M d H:i:s",$f['fleet_end_time']+2*60*60)."</th>";
		 $page .= " </form><th>";
     	if ($f['fleet_mess'] == 0) {
     		$page .= "     <form action=\"fleetback.php\" method=\"post\">
      <input name=\"zawracanie\" value=".$f['fleet_id']." type=hidden>
         <input value=\"Cancelar\" type=\"submit\">
            $page .= "<font color=\"lime\"><div id=\"time_0\"><font>".pretty_time(floor($f['fleet_end_time']+1-time()))."</font></div></font></th>
	/*if($_POST['order_return'] = 1){	
doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET
	`fleet_ofiara`='{$user['id']}' WHERE `fleet_id` = '{$f['fleet_id']}'" ,"fleets");}*/

	if($i==0){$page .= "<th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th><th>-</th>";}
		 /*      <tr height="20">
			<th> <a title="">Recolectar</a> <a title="Volver al planeta">(V)</a> </th>
			<th> <a title="Reciclador: 1">1</a></th>
			<th>Thu Jun 29 1:52:13</th>
			<th>Thu Jun 29 4:44:59</th>
			<th> </th>
		  </tr> */
		if($ile == $maxfleet_count){$maxflot = '<tr height="20"><th colspan="9"><font color="red">Misiones Maximas alcanzadas , debe esperar para enviar otra!</font></th></tr>';}
		$page .= '
		<form action="floten1.php" method="post">
		<table width="519" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
		  <tr height="20">
			<td colspan="4" class="c">Seleccione los hombres para la mision:</td>
		  <tr height="20">
			<th>Tipo de Hombre</th>
			//<!--    <th>Gesch.</th> -->
			$page .= '
	if(!$planetrow){message('WTF! ERROR!','ERROR');}//uno nunca sabe xD
	  Peque?o loop para mostrar las naves que se encuentran en el planeta.
	foreach($reslist['fleet'] as $n => $i){
		if($planetrow[$resource[$i]] > 0){
		  if($i == 202 or $i == 203 or $i == 204 or $i == 209 or $i == 210)
		{$pricelist[$i]['speed'] = $pricelist[$i]['speed']+(($pricelist[$i]['speed']*$user['combustion_tech'])*0.1);}
		  if($i == 205 or $i == 206 or $i == 208 or $i == 211)
		{$pricelist[$i]['speed'] = $pricelist[$i]['speed']+(($pricelist[$i]['speed']*$user['impulse_motor_tech'])*0.2);}
		  if($i == 207 or $i == 213 or $i == 214 or $i == 215 or $i == 216)
		{$pricelist[$i]['speed'] = $pricelist[$i]['speed']+(($pricelist[$i]['speed']*$user['hyperspace_motor_tech'])*0.3);}
			$page .= '<tr height="20">
			<th><a title="Szybko??: '.$pricelist[$i]['speed'].'">'.$lang['tech'][$i].'</a></th>
			  <input type="hidden" name="maxship'.$i.'" value="'.$planetrow[$resource[$i]].'"/></th>
			<!--    <th>28000 -->
			<input type="hidden" name="consumption'.$i.'" value="'.$pricelist[$i]['consumption'].'"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="speed'.$i.'" value="'.$pricelist[$i]['speed'].'" />
			<input type="hidden" name="galaxy" value="'.$galaxy.'"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="system" value="'.$system.'"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="planet" value="'.$planet.'"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="planet_type" value="'.$planettype.'"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="mission" value="'.$target_mission.'"/>
			<input type="hidden" name="capacity'.$i.'" value="'.$pricelist[$i]['capacity'].'" />
			if ($i == 212){
			$page .= '<th></th><th></th></tr>';
			} else {
				$page .= '<th><a href="javascript:maxShip(\'ship'.$i.'\'); shortInfo();">max</a> </th>
				<th><input name="ship'.$i.'" size="10" value="0" onfocus="javascript:if(this.value == \'0\') this.value=\'\';" onblur="javascript:if(this.value == \'\') this.value=\'0\';" alt="'.$lang['tech'][$i].$planetrow[$resource[$i]].'"  onChange="shortInfo()" onKeyUp="shortInfo()"/></th>
				$aaaaaaa = $pricelist[$i]['consumption'];
			$have_ships = true;


		  En caso de que no se tenga nunguna nave, solo se cambia el boton
		  por uno que no tenga submit, y la propiedad disabled
		$page .= '<tr height="20">
		<th colspan="4">No fleets</th>
		<tr height="20">
		<th colspan="4">
		<input type="button" value="Continuar" enabled/></th>
		$page .= '
		  <tr height="20">
			<th colspan="2"><a href="javascript:noShips();shortInfo();noResources();" >Ningun Hombre</a></th>
			<th colspan="2"><a href="javascript:maxShips();shortInfo();" >Todos mis Hombres</a></th>
		$przydalej = '<tr height="20"><th colspan="4"><input type="submit" value="Continuar" /><br></th></tr>';
if($ile == $maxfleet_count){$przydalej = '';}
		$page .= '
		<tr><th colspan="4">

