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  #10 (permalink)  
Antiguo 30/05/2010, 07:00
Avatar de ManuelAlejandro
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2009
Ubicación: Alicante
Mensajes: 87
Antigüedad: 15 años, 2 meses
Puntos: 6
Respuesta: Extractos en entradas (avanzado)

Y aprovechando el post planteo una nueva duda, arriba hay cuatro categorías, cuatro bloques entre los que está por ejemplo la categoría de Actualidad Reciente, ahí aparece el título y un extracto del texto, me gustaría que sólo apareciera el título pero no logro quitar el texto, estoy en functions.php y el código es este:

$wps_categories_obj = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
$wps_categories = array();
foreach ($wps_categories_obj as $wps_cat) {
  $wps_categories[$wps_cat->cat_ID] = $wps_cat->cat_name;

$categories_tmp = array_unshift($wps_categories, "Select a category:");
$number_entries = array("Select a Number:","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10");

  array(	"name" => "Featured Posts Carousel Settings",
    "type" => "heading"),

	array(	"name" => "Number of items",
    "desc" => "Select the number of items to display in Featured Posts Carousel.",
    "id" => "wps_feat_carousel_items",
    "std" => "Select a Number:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $number_entries),

  array(	"name" => "Disable Featured Posts Carousel",
    "desc" => 'Check this box if you would like to DISABLE the Featured Posts Carousel.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_feat_carousel_enable",
    "std" => "false",
    "type" => "checkbox"),

	array(  "name" => "Featured Category Settings",
    "type" => "heading"),

  array( 	"name" => "Featured Category 1",
    "desc" => "Select the category. The Recent posts from this category will be displayed on homepage.",
    "id" => "wps_feat1",
    "std" => "Select a category:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $wps_categories),

  array(	"name" => "Featured Category 1 Title",
    "desc" => 'Please enter your Featured Category 1 Title.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_feat1_title",
    "std" => "Enter Featured Category 1 Title here",
    "type" => "text"),

	array(	"name" => "Number of items in Featured Category 1",
    "desc" => "Select the number of items to display on featured Category 1.",
    "id" => "wps_feat1_items",
    "std" => "Select a Number:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $number_entries),

  array( 	"name" => "Featured Category 2",
    "desc" => "Select the category. The Recent posts from this category will be displayed on homepage.",
    "id" => "wps_feat2",
    "std" => "Select a category:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $wps_categories),

  array(	"name" => "Featured Category 2 Title",
    "desc" => 'Please enter your Featured Category 2 Title.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_feat2_title",
    "std" => "Enter Featured Category 2 Title here",
    "type" => "text"),

  array(	"name" => "Number of items in Featured Category 2",
    "desc" => "Select the number of items to display on featured Category 2.",
    "id" => "wps_feat2_items",
    "std" => "Select a Number:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $number_entries),

  array( 	"name" => "Featured Category 3",
    "desc" => "Select the category. The Recent posts from this category will be displayed on homepage.",
    "id" => "wps_feat3",
    "std" => "Select a category:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $wps_categories),

  array(	"name" => "Featured Category 3 Title",
    "desc" => 'Please enter your Featured Category 3 Title.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_feat3_title",
    "std" => "Enter Featured Category 3 Title here",
    "type" => "text"),

  array(	"name" => "Number of items in Featured Category 3",
    "desc" => "Select the number of items to display on featured Category 3.",
    "id" => "wps_feat3_items",
    "std" => "Select a Number:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $number_entries),

  array( 	"name" => "Featured Category 4",
    "desc" => "Select the category. The Recent posts from this category will be displayed on homepage.",
    "id" => "wps_feat4",
    "std" => "Select a category:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $wps_categories),

  array(	"name" => "Featured Category 4 Title",
    "desc" => 'Please enter your Featured Category 4 Title.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_feat4_title",
    "std" => "Enter Featured Category 4 Title here",
    "type" => "text"),

  array(	"name" => "Number of items in Featured Category 4",
    "desc" => "Select the number of items to display on featured Category 4.",
    "id" => "wps_feat4_items",
    "std" => "Select a Number:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $number_entries),

  array(	"name" => "Disable Featured Category Block",
    "desc" => 'Check this box if you would like to DISABLE the featured Category Block.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_feat_enable",
    "std" => "true",
    "type" => "checkbox"),

	array(	"name" => "Featured Video Settings",
    "type" => "heading",
    "desc" => "<small>Please enter the Video code here. Modify the width to 315 and height to 236.</small>"),

  array(	"name" => "Featured Video Code",
    "desc" => 'Please enter your the featured video code.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_vid",
    "std" => "Enter featured video code here.",
    "type" => "textarea"),

  array(	"name" => "Disable Featured Video Widget",
    "desc" => 'Check this box if you would like to DISABLE the featured video widget.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_vid_enable",
    "std" => "true",
    "type" => "checkbox"),

	array(	"name" => "468x60 Homepage Banner Ad 1 Settings",
    "type" => "heading",
    "desc" => "<small>You can specify ads (google ad/affiliate ad/banner) on this section. The ad will be displayed on 468x60 Homepage Header Banner.</small>"),

  array(	"name" => "468x60 Banner Ad",
    "id" => "wps_home_ad_468",
    "std" => "Enter 468x60 Ad Code Here",
    "type" => "textarea"),

  array(	"name" => "Disable 468x60 header Banner Ad",
    "desc" => 'Check this box if you would like to DISABLE the 468x60 header Banner Ad.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_home_ad_468_enable",
    "std" => "false",
    "type" => "checkbox"),

  array(	"name" => "468x60 Homepage Banner Ad 2 Settings (under featured posts)",
    "type" => "heading",
    "desc" => "<small>You can specify ads (google ad/affiliate ad/banner) on this section. The ad will be displayed under featured posts (only on home page).</small>"),

  array(	"name" => "468x60 Banner Ad",
    "id" => "wps_home_ad_468_2",
    "std" => "Enter 468x60 Ad Code Here",
    "type" => "textarea"),

  array(	"name" => "Disable 468x60 home page Ad",
    "desc" => 'Check this box if you would like to DISABLE the 468x60 home page Ad (under featured posts).<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_home_ad_468_2_enable",
    "std" => "false",
    "type" => "checkbox"),

  array(	"name" => "468x60 innerpage Banner Ad Settings",
    "type" => "heading",
    "desc" => "<small>You can specify ads (google ad/affiliate ad/banner) on this section. The ad will be displayed on 468x60 innerpages below Title of the post.</small>"),

  array(	"name" => "468x60 innerpage Banner Ad",
    "id" => "wps_inner_ad_468",
    "std" => "Enter 468x60 Ad Code Here",
    "type" => "textarea"),

  array(	"name" => "Disable 468x60 innerpage Banner Ad",
    "desc" => 'Check this box if you would like to DISABLE the 468x60 innerpage Banner Ad.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_inner_ad_468_enable",
    "std" => "false",
    "type" => "checkbox"),

  array(	"name" => "300x250 Sidebar Banner Ad Settings",
    "type" => "heading",
    "desc" => "<small>You can specify ads (google ad/affiliate ad/banner) on this section. The ad will be displayed on 300x250 Right Sidebar.</small>"),

  array(	"name" => "300x250 Sidebar Banner Ad",
    "id" => "wps_ad_300x250",
    "std" => "Enter 300x250 Ad Code Here",
    "type" => "textarea"),

  array(	"name" => "Disable 300x250 Sidebar Banner Ad",
    "desc" => 'Check this box if you would like to DISABLE the 300x250 Sidebar Banner Ad.<br /><br />',
    "id" => "wps_ad_300x250_enable",
    "std" => "false",
    "type" => "checkbox"),

  array(	"name" => "Popular Posts Settings",
    "type" => "heading",
    "desc" => "<small>You can customize Popular posts which is shown on Sidebar on this section.</small>"),

  array(	"name" => "Number of items",
    "desc" => "Select the number of items to display on Popular Posts.",
    "id" => "wps_popu_items",
    "std" => "Select a Number:",
    "type" => "select",
    "options" => $number_entries),
Creo que la zona que determina la configuración de estos bloques está por Featured Category Settings, pero aun así no logro quitarle el texto... ¿alguna idea?


Pd. He pegado sólo una parte del código, si hace falta toda la página decídmelo y la enlazo desde un .txt