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  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 29/05/2010, 11:26
Fecha de Ingreso: mayo-2010
Ubicación: Barcelona
Mensajes: 5
Antigüedad: 14 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: S.O.S. No me aparece la "mano" al pasar el mouse sobre el enlace

Amigo Buhomorado,
muchísimas gracias por tu interés y ayuda.
He probado lo que me decías y no ha acabado de funcionar.
Quizás es que no he explicado que se trata de un flash con carga de imágenes vía xml y eso ( no lo sé) determine el comportamiento del box. Porque a primera vista tu idea parece perfecta. He probado con un botón imvisible y tampoco funciona. Por alguna razón el enlace funciona pero no hay manera de que aparezca la dichosa "manita".

Aún así te agradezco infinitamente que hayas intentado ayudarme.
Por si puede ser útil, inserto el AS 3.0 completo que tengo en el flash :


import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;

import flash.display.Stage;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;//this is the third party tweening class, the caurina folder must be in the same directory as the swf for publishing

//activates the plugin to tween for color

var fast_speed:Number = .25;
var medium_speed:Number = .125;
var slow_speed:Number = .0625;

var xmlPath:String = "support/xml/content.xml";

var imagesToLoad:Number;
var imagesLoaded:Number = 0;

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stageClick);

function stageClick(evt:MouseEvent):void{
var url:String = "colecciones.html";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(request, '_self');



// -- XML --


var loadContentXML:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loadContentXML.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, contentLoaded);

var contentXML:XML;

var contentXMLList:XMLList;

var paramXMLList:XMLList;

function contentLoaded(e:Event):void
contentXML = new XML(;

contentXMLList = contentXML.parallax_slide;

paramXMLList = contentXML.global_parameters;

//add the background color
var rectangle:Shape = new Shape; // initializing the variable named rectangle e("stage_background")); // choosing the colour for the fill, here it is red, 0, paramXMLList.attribute("stage_width"), paramXMLList.attribute("stage_height")); // (x spacing, y spacing, width, height); // not always needed but I like to put it in to end the fill
addChild(rectangle); // adds the rectangle to the stage
//add mask

//add the preloader
var loadbar:loadbar_mc = new loadbar_mc(); = "loadbar_mc";
loadbar.x = paramXMLList.attribute("stage_width")/2;
loadbar.y = paramXMLList.attribute("stage_height")/2;

//add the holder
var parallaxHolder:mcParallaxHolder = new mcParallaxHolder(); = "parallaxHolder_mc";
parallaxHolder.x = paramXMLList.attribute("stage_width")/2;
parallaxHolder.y = paramXMLList.attribute("stage_height")/2;
parallaxHolder.alpha = 0;


var holderClip:Object = getChildByName("parallaxHolder_mc");

var xCorrection:Number = (paramXMLList.attribute("stage_width")/2) + 100;
var yCorrection:Number = (paramXMLList.attribute("stage_height")/2) + 100;

var blur:BlurFilter;
var blurAmount:Number;

imagesToLoad = contentXMLList.length();

//generates slide planes
for(var cnt:uint = 0; cnt < contentXMLList.length(); cnt++)

//creates instance and name
var planeInstance:mcParallaxPlaneHolder = new mcParallaxPlaneHolder(); = "plane"+cnt;

planeInstance.imagePath = "support/images/" + contentXMLList[cnt].attribute("image");
planeInstance.x = -(parallaxHolder.x) -100;
planeInstance.y = -(parallaxHolder.y) - 100;

//sets blur varuiable
blurAmount = Number(contentXMLList[cnt].attribute("blur"));
//creates new blur filter
blur = new BlurFilter(blurAmount, blurAmount, 1);
//applies blur filter
planeInstance.filters = [blur];

//adds child to the holder clip

//adds the event listener to the holder clip
parallaxHolder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_M OVE, parallax);

//creates the function for the MOUSE_MOVE Event
function parallax(evt:MouseEvent):void

var mouseMovementClip:Object = getChildByName("parallaxHolder_mc");

var xMoveFront:Number = -(mouseMovementClip.mouseX);
var yMoveFront:Number = -(mouseMovementClip.mouseY);

//variable for "for" loop
var planesInClip:Number = mouseMovementClip.numChildren;

//sets variable for the abount wach object moves
var clipSpeed:Number = 0;
var currentClip:Object;

for(var pic:uint = 0; pic < planesInClip ; pic++) {

//increments variable so the later clips move more
clipSpeed += .0625;

currentClip = mouseMovementClip.getChildByName("plane"+pic);

Tweener.addTween(currentClip, {x:(xMoveFront * clipSpeed)-xCorrection, time:1});

loadContentXML.load(new URLRequest(xmlPath));
