Gracias por responder. Encontre la solucion en esta otra pagina:
simplemente era en vez de
foreach ($xml->items[0]->item as $item)
foreach ($xml->item as $results)
por la sencilla razon que:
$file = ‘test_file.xml’;
$xml = simplexml_load_file($file);
The $xml object now has the top, parent node <cars>
All nodes are referenced as properties, and node attributes are within an associative array in each of those properties.
If there are multiple nodes with the same name (<make> in this example), you will need to specify the index value to reference. This is done as an array index. The following code refences the "name" attribute in the first <make> node
echo $xml->make[0][‘name’];
// Prints out "Ford" (without quotes)
segun el autor del articulo que cite anteriormente
ojala le sirva de ayuda a alguien mas