Iniciado por DavidBL
ya habia visto esta pagina pero habla de hotpot o algo asi yo quiero GMAIL
Lo primero que tienes que mirar es que desde el hosting puedas conectarte a gmail, te paso un script que tienes que subir y ejecutar en el servidor.
Código PHP:
Ver original$address =""; //Here you can specify the address you want to check ports
$port = "465"; //Here you can specify the port you want to check from $address
$checkport = fsockopen($address, $port, $errnum, $errstr, 2); //The 2 is the time of ping in secs
//Here down you can put what to do when the port is closed
echo "The port ".$port." from ".$address." seems to be closed."; //Only will echo that msg
//And here, what you want to do when the port is open
echo "The port ".$port." from ".$address." seems to be open."; //The msg echoed if port is open