Bueno pues parece que me habia equivocado en la function !! Me parece que es esta:
Código PHP:
function uploadProductImage($inputName, $uploadDir)
$image = $_FILES[$inputName];
$uploadDir = 'c:/wamp/www/plaincart/images/product/';
$imagePath = '';
$thumbnailPath = '';
// if a file is given
if (trim($image['tmp_name']) != '') {
$ext = substr(strrchr($image['name'], "."), 1); //$extensions[$image['type']];
// generate a random new file name to avoid name conflict
$imagePath = md5(rand() * time()) . ".$ext";
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image['tmp_name']);
// make sure the image width does not exceed the
// maximum allowed width
$result = createThumbnail($image['tmp_name'], $uploadDir . $imagePath, MAX_PRODUCT_IMAGE_WIDTH);
$imagePath = $result;
} else {
$result = move_uploaded_file($image['tmp_name'], $uploadDir . $imagePath);
if ($result) {
// create thumbnail
$thumbnailPath = md5(rand() * time()) . ".$ext";
$result = createThumbnail($uploadDir . $imagePath, $uploadDir . $thumbnailPath, THUMBNAIL_WIDTH);
// create thumbnail failed, delete the image
if (!$result) {
unlink($uploadDir . $imagePath);
$imagePath = $thumbnailPath = '';
} else {
$thumbnailPath = $result;
} else {
// the product cannot be upload / resized
$imagePath = $thumbnailPath = '';
return array('image' => $imagePath, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnailPath);
Al menos despues de anadir:
$uploadDir = 'c:/wamp/www/plaincart/images/product/';, todo funciona !
No se como puedo poner el tema solucionado, pero lo esta !
Gracias de todas formas