Código PHP:
if(isset($_GET['source'])) {
* PHPImagen - Manejo de imagenes BETA Release Candidate 3
* @author Myokram
* 11/01/08
* Para usar esta clase:
* Visita http://php.myokram.info/phpimagen
class Imagen {
public $source = null;
private $url = "/";
private $ext = "jpg";
private $w;
private $h;
private $mh;
private $mw;
private $rh;
private $rw;
private $cut = 0;
private $info = array();
private $f1 = "imagecreatefromjpeg";
private $f2 = "imageJpeg";
private $type = "jpeg";
private $error = false;
public function __construct($url=null) {
$url = trim($url);
if(empty($url)) {
$this->info['basename'] = "rd_".substr(md5(rand()),0,8).".jpg";
$this->error("No se especifico la imagen");
$this->url = $url;
if($resources = $this->getResources($this->url)) {
$this->f1 = $resources[0];
$this->f2 = $resources[1];
$this->type = $resources[2];
$this->info = $resources[3];
} else return false;
$f1 = $this->f1;
$this->source = @$f1($this->url);
if (!$this->source) {
$this->error("No se pudo abrir la imagen");
return false;
$this->w = imagesx($this->source);
$this->h = imagesy($this->source);
$this->rh = $this->h;
$this->rw = $this->w;
return true;
public function resize($maxancho=null,$maxalto=null,$cut=false) {
if($cut != false) $this->cut = true;
$this->mw = (!is_numeric($maxancho) or $maxancho < 1) ? $this->w : intval($maxancho);
$this->mh = (!is_numeric($maxalto) or $maxalto < 1) ? $this->h : intval($maxalto);
$diff_w = $this->w/$this->mw;
$diff_h = $this->h/$this->mh;
if($this->cut == true) {
$this->rh = $this->mh;
$this->rw = $this->mw;
if($diff_w > $diff_h) {
$prop = $this->mh/$this->h;
$this->mw = round($this->w*$prop);
$dist_x = ($this->rw-$this->mw)/2;
} else {
$prop = $this->mw/$this->w;
$this->mh = round($this->h*$prop);
$dist_y = ($this->rh-$this->mh)/2;
} else {
if($diff_w > $diff_h) {
$prop = $this->mw/$this->w;
$this->mh = round($this->h*$prop);
} else {
$prop = $this->mh/$this->h;
$this->mw = round($this->w*$prop);
$this->rw = $this->mw;
$this->rh = $this->mh;
$output = imagecreatetruecolor($this->rw, $this->rh);
if($this->type == "gif" or $this->type == "png") {
$trn_i = imagecolortransparent($this->source);
if ($trn_i >= 0) {
$trn_c = imagecolorsforindex($this->source, $trn_i);
$trn_i = imagecolorallocate($output, $trn_c['red'], $trn_c['green'], $trn_c['blue']);
imagefill($output, 0, 0, $trn_i);
imagecolortransparent($output, $trn_i);
} elseif($this->type == "png") {
imagealphablending($output, false);
$color = imagecolorallocatealpha($output, 0, 0, 0, 127);
imagefill($output, 0, 0, $color);
imagesavealpha($output, true);
$r = imagecopyresampled($output, $this->source, $dist_x, $dist_y, 0, 0, $this->mw, $this->mh, $this->w, $this->h);
$this->source = $output;
return $r;
private function getResources($file) {
$info = pathinfo($file);
$info['extension'] = strtolower($info['extension']);
$r = array();
switch($info['extension']) {
case 'jpg': $r[0] = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; $r[1] = "imageJpeg"; $r[2] = "jpeg"; break;
case 'gif': $r[0] = "imagecreatefromgif"; $r[1] = "imageGif"; $r[2] = "gif"; break;
case 'png': $r[0] = "imagecreatefrompng"; $r[1] = "imagePng"; $r[2] = "png"; break;
default: $this->info['basename'] = $this->info['basename'].".jpg"; $this->error("El tipo de archivo definido no es válido"); return false; break;
$r[3] = $info;
return $r;
private function rgbhex2rgb($c) {
if(!$c) return false;
$c = trim($c);
$out = array();
if(eregi("^[0-9ABCDEFabcdef\#]+$", $c)){
$c = str_replace('#','', $c);
$l = strlen($c);
if($l != 3 and $l != 6) return false;
$out[0] = $out['r'] = $out['red'] = ($l == 3) ? hexdec(substr($c,0,1).substr($c,0,1)) : hexdec(substr($c,0,2));
$out[1] = $out['g'] = $out['green'] = ($l == 3) ? hexdec(substr($c,1,1).substr($c,1,1)) : hexdec(substr($c,2,2));
$out[2] = $out['b'] = $out['blue'] = ($l == 3) ? hexdec(substr($c,2,1).substr($c,2,1)) : hexdec(substr($c,4,2));
} elseif (eregi("^[0-9]+(,| |.)+[0-9]+(,| |.)+[0-9]+$", $c)){
if(eregi(",", $c)) $e = explode(",",$c);
elseif(eregi(" ", $c)) $e = explode(" ",$c);
elseif(eregi(".", $c)) $e = explode(".",$c);
else return false;
if(count($e) != 3) return false;
if(is_numeric($e[0]) and $e[0] >= 0 and $e[0] <= 255)
$out[0] = $out['r'] = $out['red'] = intval($e[0]);
if(is_numeric($e[1]) and $e[1] >= 0 and $e[1] <= 255)
$out[1] = $out['g'] = $out['green'] = intval($e[1]);
if(is_numeric($e[2]) and $e[2] >= 0 and $e[2] <= 255)
$out[2] = $out['b'] = $out['blue'] = intval($e[2]);
return (count($out) != 9) ? false : $out;
private function error($msg) {
$width = strlen($msg)*8;
$width = ($width < 370) ? 370 : $width;
$url = (strlen($this->url) > 45) ? substr($this->url,0,33)."...".substr($this->url,-10) : $this->url;
$this->rw = $width;
$this->rh = 145;
$this->source = @imagecreate ($this->rw, $this->rh);
$background_color = imagecolorallocate ($this->source, 230, 230, 230);
$text_color_red = imagecolorallocate ($this->source, 255,0,0);
$text_color_black = imagecolorallocate ($this->source, 50, 50, 50);
$text_color_green = imagecolorallocate ($this->source, 0, 150, 0);
$text_color_blue = imagecolorallocate ($this->source, 0, 0, 150);
imagestring ($this->source, 5, 19, 20, "ERROR: LA IMAGEN NO PUDO SER CARGADA", $text_color_red);
imagestring ($this->source, 3, 16, 50, "Hubo un error procesando la imagen:", $text_color_black);
imagestring ($this->source, 3, 16, 65, $url, $text_color_green);
imagestring ($this->source, 3, 16, 95, $msg, $text_color_blue);
imagestring ($this->source, 2, 10, 125, sprintf(base64_decode("UEhQSW1hZ2VuIChjKSVzIC0gQnkgTXlPa3JhbQ=="),date('Y')),$text_color_black);
$this->error = true;
return true;
private function stop() {
return ($this->error !== false);
public function doPrint($quality=null) {
$quality = (is_numeric($quality) and $quality <= 100 and $quality >= 1) ? intval($quality) : 75;
Header("Content-type: image/".$this->type);
$f2 = $this->f2;
switch($this->type) {
case "gif":
case "jpeg":
case "png":
$quality = 10 - (round($quality / 10));