Ver Mensaje Individual
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Antiguo 24/11/2009, 12:56
Fecha de Ingreso: noviembre-2009
Mensajes: 1
Antigüedad: 15 años, 3 meses
Puntos: 0
Necesito ayuda con una tarea de universidad

Hola, amigos, este es mi primer mensaje aca en el foro y es para pedir desesperadamente ayuda.
Estoy estudiando en Estados Unidos y me meti a una clase de Javascripting (nada tiene que ver con mi carrera pero ya que la curso, necesito aprobarla) y Html pero la verdad es que no entiendo nada y necesito sacarme esta materia de encima lo antes posible.
Me mandaron una tarea que tengo que hacer urgente y no tengo idea de como hacerla. Yo se que es poco etico y moral y todo pero necesito si alguien con 10 minutos (se que no es muy dificil puede ayudarme). Se los voy a agradecer de por vida.
Aca les dejo las pautas (en ingles):

Desde ya, mil gracias!

Part 1: (10)

1. Create an HTML document with a head, a title and a body with the

following name: part1.html

2. Make the title JavaScript Assignment 4 Part 1.

3. In the body, display the following message: "Welcome to the

temperature calculator!"

4. Write a JavaScript program that does the following:

5. Prompts the user for the temperature in Farenheit using a pop up

window with the text "Please enter temperature in Farenheit:". The

default text in the pop-up input field should be 0.

6. The program converts the temperature to Celcius, closes the popup

window and displays the converted temperature in the original window

with the text: "The corresponding temperature in Celsius is:" -- no

other buttons or text should be present. The converted temperature

should be rounded off.

7. The formula to do the conversion is:

Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32);

Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius,

Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

Part 2: (10)

1. Create an HTML document with a head, a title and a body. with the

following name: part2.html,

2. Make the title JavaScript Assignment 4 Part 2..

3. In the body, display the following message "Welcome to the Grades


4. Write a JavaScript program that does the following:

5. Prompt the user for the grades of 10 students with one prompt for

each grade with the prompting text being: "Enter grade between 1 and

10 for student n:" where n varies from 1 to 10. If the grade input is

not between 1 and 10, please prompt again for the grade.

6. Once the user is done, it prints a report telling you the grade of

each individual student and the average of the ten grades. The

individual student grade should be in different lines with the text

"Grade for student n is x". The average should also be in a different

line with the text "Average grade is y". The average grade should not

be rounded off.

Part 3: (20)

1. Create an HTML document with a head, a title and a body with the

following name: part3.html.

2. Make the title JavaScript Assignment 4 Part 3.

3. In the body, display a welcome message like "Welcome to Switching


4. Write a JavaScript program that operates as follows: the document

displays an image when first loaded on the browser. When this image

is clicked, the image is replaced by a second image. When the second

image is clicked, the image is replaced by the first image. In other

words, every time an image is clicked, the image is replaced by the


5. Use the following two images:


Hint 1:

In this example below, the document displays an image when first loaded on the browser. When this image is clicked, the image is replaced by a second image. However, in this example, when the second image is clicked, nothing further happens.



<title>Image switch</title>

<script language="Javascript">

//The function is called when the image in the body is clicked. The function changes the image source of 'picture' to 'a2.jpg'

function rollover ()


document.picture.src = "a2.jpg";





<!-- there is an image tag below with the name picture that displays 'a1.jpg'. When the image is clicked, the 'rollOver()' function is called


<img src="a1.jpg" name="picture" border="0" onClick="rollover()"> </body> </html>

Hint 2:

Use string comparison to check the value of document.picture.src in order replace one image by another and vice versa.