Ver Mensaje Individual
  #8 (permalink)  
Antiguo 16/11/2009, 07:46
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2009
Mensajes: 154
Antigüedad: 15 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: No entra en un bucle

este es el codigo html del formulario:



<link href="templates/style/buttons.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>

<link href="templates/style/W3C-REC.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

var bV=parseInt(navigator.appVersion);

NS4=(document.layers)&&(bV>=4) ? true : false;

IE4=((document.all)&&(bV>=4)) ? true : false;

DOM= (!document.layers && !document.all && bV>=4) ? true : false; // A hack to guess if the browser supports the DOM

capable = (NS4 || IE4 || DOM) ? true : false;

function expandIt(){return;}



<body {color} background="images/topBG2.png">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="templates/FX.js">

alert("Error, It Can't Load JavaScript LIBRARY");



function recall(form,control)

//dir = "select_customer.php?letter="+document.forms[0].elements['letter'].value;

// alert(control);

window.location.href = "search_customer.php?country_html="+document.f orms[0].elements['country_html'].value+"&companylist_html="+document.forms[0].elements['companylist_html'].value;


//********************* aqui e puesto search_customer porq yendo hacia selectcustomer3 es lioso *************


<p align=LEFT>

<table width = 535 height="1" bordercolor="#000080" border="0">


<td align = left width="33" valign="top" height="40" bgcolor="#000080">



<td align = left width="637" valign="top" height="40" bgcolor="#000080">

<h1>{NAME} Customer</h1></font>




<td align = left width="33" valign="top" height="1">


<td align = left width="637" valign="top" height="1">




<td align = left width="33" valign="top" height="13" bgcolor="#000099">



<td align = left width="637" valign="top" height="13" bgcolor="#000099">

<font color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial Black">Please enter the information about the Customer you

wish to find</font>




<td align = left width="33" valign="top" height="1">


<td align = left width="637" valign="top" height="1">




<td align = left width="33" valign="top" height="1">


<td align = left width="637" valign="top" height="1">





<form method="GET" action="{SCRIPT}">

<table width = 535 height="1" bordercolor="#000080" border="0">


<td width="20" valign="bottom">




<td width="30%"><font color=black color=white face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><B>First name</B>
<input type = "text" name = "customer_name_html" style="width:200px" value="" size = "24" maxlength="255">


<font color=black color=white face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><B> Last name</B>
<input type = "text" name = "customer_name_html" style="width:200px" value="" size = "24" maxlength="255">

<font> <B>Country</B></font> <br>

<select name="country_html" style="width:200px" size="1" onchange=recall(this.form,"country")>



<font><B>Company List</B> </font><br>

<select name="companylist_html" style="width:200px" size="1" onchange=recall(this.form,"companylist")>




<td width="50" valign="bottom">

<table heigth="10">

<font><B> Customers List</B></font><br>

<select name=id style="width:265px" size="5">




<td width ="30" align="center" valign="bottom">








y este es mi codigo php en el archivo search_customer.php







//------------------------------ main -------------------------------------

$ret = 2;

//get the information via http post

echo $search;

$search = $HTTP_POST_VARS[Search];

//initialize the fast templates

$tpl = new FastTemplate(".");

$tpl->define(array("main" => "templates/search.tpl"));


$tpl->assign(NAME, "Search");

country_select($tpl,$country_html); //*** funcion de insertFunc.php ***//

company_select($tpl,$companylist_html); //*** funcion de editFunc.php ***//
getSelectValue_3($tpl,"search_customer.php",$lette r); //*** funcion de editFunc.php ***//


if ($search == 'Search') //'si presiono el boton search'


$ret = checkSmallValues($tpl);

else resetValues_search($tpl);

if ($ret==0)




function redir(){

window.location.href = "select_customer3.php"





//insert values in show_search.ptl

$tpl->define(array("main" => "templates/show_search.tpl"));//



//reset values


$ret = 2;

$insert = "";


else if ($ret==1)

$tpl->assign(NAME, "<FONT COLOR=\"red\"> Warning Field </FONT>");


$tpl->assign(BUTTONS, '<input class="buttons" type = "submit" value="Search" color=blue name="Search">');

//display the template

$tpl->parse(result, "main");
