Código PHP:
Ver original<? //initilize PHP
if($_POST['submit']) //If submit is hit
$email_content="Applicant Information:\nName: " . $app_name . "\nStreet Addess: " . $app_address . "\nCity, State, ZIP: " . $app_citystatezip . "\nDay Phone Number: " . $app_dayphone . "\nNight Phone Number: " . $app_nightphone . "\nFax Number: " . $app_faxnumber . "\nEmail Addess: " . $app_email . "\nReferred by: " . $app_let . "\n\nCar Information:\nMake: " . $app_make . "\nModel: " . $app_model . "\nYear: " . $app_year . "\nColor: " . $app_color . "\nStock or Modified: " . $app_stockmod . "\nCar Number Desired: " . $app_number1 . "\nAlternate: " . $app_number2 . "\n\nDriving Group: " . $app_group . "\nTiming: " . $app_timer . "\nInstructor: " . $app_instructor . "\nDay: " . $app_day . "\nTotal: " . $app_total . "\n\nPayment: " . $app_payment . "\n\nCC Information:\nCredit Card Type: " . $app_cctype . "\nCredit Card Number: " . $app_ccnumber . "\nExpiration Date: " . $app_ccexp . "\nCCV: " . $app_ccccv;
$email_content2="Applicant Information:\nName: " . $app_name . "\nStreet Addess: " . $app_address . "\nCity, State, ZIP: " . $app_citystatezip . "\nDay Phone Number: " . $app_dayphone . "\nNight Phone Number: " . $app_nightphone . "\nFax Number: " . $app_faxnumber . "\nEmail Addess: " . $app_email . "\nReferred by: " . $app_let . "\n\nCar Information:\nMake: " . $app_make . "\nModel: " . $app_model . "\nYear: " . $app_year . "\nColor: " . $app_color . "\nStock or Modified: " . $app_stockmod . "\nCar Number Desired: " . $app_number1 . "\nAlternate: " . $app_number2 . "\n\nDriving Group: " . $app_group . "\nTiming: " . $app_timer . "\nInstructor: " . $app_instructor . "\nDay: " . $app_day . "\nTotal: " . $app_total;
mail("$app_email", "On The Edge Track Day Registration Submission Confirmation", "$email_content2");
echo "Thank you for your submission. You will be contacted shortly by Carlos via e-mail or phone to confirm your registration.";
} else {
echo "There has been an error, please go back to the form, and resubmit it.";
pruebalo asi, otra cosa a la función mail agregale los headers de preferencia.