Hola a todos son nuevo y necesito saber que les parece esta configuracion de servidor dedicado que necesito adquirir lo estoy cotizando en SoftLayer aunque las otras opciones seria ThePlanet y Layered.
La configuracion que tengo es la siguiente:
- Procesador Dual Processor Quad Core Xeon 5310 - 1.60GHz (Clovertown) - 2 x 8MB cache
- Ram 4 GB FB-DIMM Registered 533/667
- Remote Management Reboot / KVM over IP
- Uplink Port Speeds 10 Mbps Public & Private Networks
- Private Network Port 10 Mbps private uplink
- Public Network Port 10 Mbps public uplink
- Public Bandwidth Unlimited Bandwidth (10 Mbps Uplink)
- Primary IP Addresses 1 IP Address
- Public Secondary IP Addresses 4 Public IP Addresses
- Disk Controller RAID 5
- First Hard Drive 1.00TB SATA II
- Second Hard Drive 1.00TB SATA II
- Third Hard Drive 1.00TB SATA II
- Lockbox 1 GB Lockbox
- EVault 30GB EVault Disk to Disk Enterprise Backup
- Operating System Red Hat Enterprise Linux - ES 4 (32 bit)
- Database Software MySQL for Linux
- Web Analytics Software Urchin 6
- Anti-Virus & Spyware Protection McAfee Total Protection - Linux
- Monitoring Host Ping
- Notification Email and Ticket
- Response Automated Reboot from Monitoring
- Intrusion Detection & Protection Network IDS/IPS Protection
- Hardware & Software Firewalls APF Software Firewall for Linux
- VPN Management - Private Network Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account
- Vulnerability Assessments & Management Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting
Que les parece me sirve como web hosting ya que en la empresa lo requerimos, si me pueden ayudar se los agradezco.
Saludos AMD64BITS