19/06/2009, 04:02
| | Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2009
Mensajes: 55
Antigüedad: 16 años Puntos: 0 | |
Respuesta: Abrir directamente Les pongo el codigo completo, lo que quiero es quitar los print y que se me abra la imagen directamente.
$db = new NewsSQL($DBName);
if ((!empty($PR)) && ($Rating>=1)){
$result = $db->getnewsbyid($newsid);
$title = $result[0]["title"];
$content = $result[0]["content"];
$picture = $result[0]["picture"];
$picturepath = "./photo/";
$viewnum = $result[0]["viewnum"];
$sourceurl = $result[0]["sourceurl"];
$source = $result[0]["source"];
$adddate = $result[0]["adddate"];
$Rate = $result[0]["rating"];
$Rate1 = $Rate*10;
$Rate2 = ceil($Rate1);
$Rate = $Rate2/10;
$pre[0] = $newsid-1;
for ($i=1; $i<=$prenumber-1; $i++){
$pre[$i] = $pre[$i-1]-1;
$next[0] = $newsid+1;
for ($i=1; $i<=$nextnumber-1; $i++){
$next[$i] = $next[$i-1]+1;
<title><?php print "$title"; ?></title>
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<td width="594" valign="top" class="menu"><div align="left">
include_once("imageresize.class.php"); //para escalar
<tr class="rayitadebajo">
<td height="3" valign="top" class="rayitadebajo"><p align="justify"><span class="menu_in"><? print "$title"; ?></span></p> </td>
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<table width="600" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
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//comprobar imagen
$imagen = explode(".",$picture);
$nombre = $imagen[0];
$extension = $imagen[1];
echo "";$mostrar='pdf.png';
$source ="./photo/$mostrar"; // Escalado
$dest = 'tux_thumb.png'; // "
@unlink($dest); // "
$oResize = new ImageResize($source);// "
switch (width) {
case 'width':
$sTipo=sprintf("Por ancho:%d",400);
$oResize->resizeWidth(400);// cambiar aqui el ancho
break; // Fin de escalado
// nuevo
$imagen = explode(".",$picture);
$nombre = $imagen[0];
$extension = $imagen[1];
if($extension=="pdf"){ print "<tr>
<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"./$picturepath$picture \" target=\"_blank\"class=\"ninguna\"><align=\"center \"><img src=\"./photo/pdf.png\" border=\"0\"></a><br>";
print "<tr>
<td align=\"center\"><a href=\"./$picturepath$picture \" target=\"_blank\"class=\"ninguna\"><align=\"center \"><img src=\"$dest\" border=\"0\"></a><br>";
//Rutina antigua
//if (!empty($picture)){
//print "<tr>
//<align=\"center\"><a href=\"./$picturepath$picture \" target=\"_blank\"class=\"ninguna\"><align=\"center \"><img src=\"$dest\" border=\"0\"></a><br>";
// }
if (!empty($content)){
$content = nl2br($content);
print "<tr>
<td class=\"texto\">$content</td>
if (!empty($sourceurl)){
print "<tr>
<td bgcolor=\"#F2F2F2\" class=\"fuente\">$front_source : $sourceurl</td>
<td><a href=\"$sourceurl\" class=\"fuente\" target=\"_blank\">$source</a></td>
else {
if (!empty($source)){
print "<tr>
<td bgcolor=\"transparent\" class=\"fuente\">$front_source : $sourceurl$source
if (!empty($adddate)){
print "<tr>
<td bgcolor=\"transparent\" class=\"fecha\">$front_adddate : $adddate</td>
for ($i=0; $i<=$prenumber-1; $i++){
$prename[$i] = $db->getname($pre[$i]);
if (!empty($prename[$i])){
$prenotemptytag = true;
for ($i=0; $i<=$nextnumber-1; $i++){
$nextname[$i] = $db->getname($next[$i]);
if (!empty($nextname[$i])){
$nextnotemptytag = true;
if (($prenotemptytag)||($nextnotemptytag)){
print "<tr>
<td bgcolor=\"#F2F2F2\" class=\"menu_in\">$front_more ...</td>
for ($i=0; $i<=$prenumber-1; $i++){
if (!empty($prename[$i])){
print "<a href=\"news.php?newsid=$pre[$i]\" class=\"en_b\">$prename[$i]</a><br>";
for ($i=0; $i<=$nextnumber-1; $i++){
if (!empty($nextname[$i])){
print "<a href=\"news.php?newsid=$next[$i]\" class=\"en_b\">$nextname[$i]</a><br>";
print "</td>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
Las lines rojas son las que tengo que sustituir para mostar la variable $picturepath$picture .
Gracias |