verifica sobre
Yo tengo este codigo verifica si te es útil
Código PHP:
<form name=form method=post action='<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>'>
<input type=radio name=whatType value='Ping' id='rd_1' <?= ($whatType == 'Ping'? 'checked':'')?>> <label for="rd_1">Ping Host</label> <br>
<input type=text name=host size=30><br>
<input type=Submit name=Submit value=Submit class='buttons'>
Código PHP:
if($whatType == 'Ping'){
// This script was writen by [email protected], Dec. 2003
// This is my first script. Enjoy.
// Put it into whatever directory and call it. That's all.
// Updated to 4.2 code
// Get Variable from form via register globals on/off
// Security problem, $count wasn't checked upon.
// "-" was zapped out....not anymore
$max_count = 10; //maximum count for ping command
$unix = 0; //set this to 1 if you are on a *unix system
$windows = 1; //set this to 1 if you are on a windows system
// -------------------------
// nothing more to be done.
// -------------------------
//globals on or off ?
$register_globals = (bool) ini_get('register_gobals');
$system = ini_get('system');
$unix = (bool) $unix;
$win = (bool) $windows;
if ($register_globals){
$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
$self = $PHP_SELF;
$self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
// form submitted ?
if ($whatType == "Ping"){
$count = 1;
// over count ?
if ($count > $max_count){
echo 'Maximum for count is: '.$max_count;
echo '<a href="'.$self.'">Back</a>';
// replace bad chars
$host= preg_replace ("/[^A-Za-z0-9.-]/","",$host);
$count= preg_replace ("/[^0-9]/","",$count);
echo "<div align=left class='notifyTitleRegularTables'>
<b>Ping Output:</b>
echo '<pre>';
//check target IP or domain
if ($unix){
system ("ping -c$count -w$count $host");
system("killall ping");// kill all ping processes in case there are some stalled ones or use echo 'ping' to execute ping without shell
system("ping -n $count $host");
echo '</pre>';