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Antiguo 03/06/2009, 14:35
Avatar de gVenom
Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2008
Ubicación: Costa Rica
Mensajes: 1.458
Antigüedad: 16 años, 8 meses
Puntos: 53
Respuesta: listas anidadas me dan error de validación

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 <ol style="list-style:upper-roman ">
        <li>We believe there is one God, eternally existent in  three persons, the Father, the Son  (<span class="God">Jesus Christ</span>), and the Holy Spirit; they are one in spirit, however distinct  in person and function.(Matthew28:19, 2Corinthians 13:14, John 14:16-17)</li>
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          <li>We believe that <span class="God">God</span> the Father is at  the head of the Godhead. We believe that Jesus Christ, second in the trinity  was a physical manifestation of the Godhead to the human race. He was born of a  virgin and lived a sinless life while on earth. We believe in all the miracles  he performed. We believe in His propitiation for mankind through the shedding  of His blood on the cross as the only means for man&rsquo;s salvation. We believe He  rose bodily from the dead on the third day and was seen of by over five hundred  witnesses at one time.</li>
          <li>We believe the <span class="God">Holy Spirit</span> to be the third  person of the Trinity. We understand the Holy Spirit to be the agent of  conviction, regeneration, indwelling, baptism, sanctification, and illumination  to all those whom are born again through <span class="God">Jesus Christ</span>. We strongly oppose the  charismatic movement and believe they misinterpret the scriptures concerning  tongues and other sign manifestations. </li>
          <li>We believe that <span class="God">God</span> created the universe  and all that is in it in six literal twenty-four hour  days. We believe that all three persons of the trinity were present at the  point of creation. We believe that <span class="God">God</span> created man in His own image, as in  intellect, emotion (free will), and personality. In mans free will he chose to  sin against God, because of this all of mankind inherits a depraved nature and  are lost in their sin and in need of a savior.(Genesis1:1-31)</li>
          <li>We believe that salvation of man comes  from <span class="God">God</span> through the shed blood of His Son <span class="God">Jesus Christ</span>. It is a free gift  offered to man by <span class="underline">God&rsquo;s grace</span>, salvation is received by man through personal  faith in His Son&rsquo;s completed work on the cross and nothing else can be  added.(1John5:11-12)</li>
          <li>We believe that the Bible is the verbally  inspired and infallible, authoritative Word of God. God gave the words of  Scripture by inspiration without error in the original autographs. God promises  the preservation of His Word in its entirety for all eternity.  (<em>2Timothy3:16-17</em>)</li>
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            <li>We believe that <span class="God">God</span> has kept His  promise by preserving His infallible Word in the traditional Hebrew and Greek  manuscripts and that the King James Version (KJV) is an accurate English  translation of the preserved Word of God.(Matthew24:35, 1Peter 1:25)</li>
            <li>It is the practice of this ministry to  use the King James version in English to preach and teach the word of God.</li>
          <li>We believe it is appointed unto man to  physically die and then the judgment. We believe in the resurrection of both  the lost and the saved. Those that have believed by faith in the finished work  of <span class="God">Jesus Christ</span> at Calvary will be saved and resurrected unto eternal life in  heaven. Those who are lost in their sin shall be resurrected, judged for the  deeds that were done in their bodies and cast into a literal lake of fire for  all of eternity.(<em>Hebrews 9:27,28; Revelation 20:11-15</em>)</li>
          <li>We believe that <span class="God">God</span> established and  ordained the local church to establish His Word and further His work throughout  the world. We believe that God desires spiritual unity in the body of Christ,  and calls men of God to preach and teach the body of <span class="God">Christ</span> to do the work of  the ministry. We believe that God gave the church two ordinances,(<em>Matthew  16:18, 28:18-20; Ephesians 4:12</em>)</li>
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            <li>All believers should be baptized by  immersion after they have been saved.(<em>Matthew 28:19, 3:16; Romans 6:3-4;  Colossians 2:12</em>)</li>
            <li>All Christians should regularly observe  the Lord&rsquo;s Supper until His return.(1Corintians 11:2,26)</li>
          <li>We believe in a pre-tribulation return of <span class="God">Jesus Christ</span> for all believers, called <span class="underline">the Rapture</span>. The Rapture of the saints  will be followed by the seventieth week prophesized in the book of Daniel, also  known as the seven-year period of Tribulation. <span class="God">Christ</span> will then return in glory  to <strong>judge the world</strong> and set up His millennial kingdom earth.(<em>1Thessalonians  4:13-18; Daniel 9:24-27, 12:1; Jeremiah 30:7-9</em>)</li>
          <li>Tabernacle  of Hope Ministry believes in Biblical separation from, new evangelicalism, and  ecumenical movement, theological liberalism, and neo-orthodoxy.</li>
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            <li>Tabernacle of Hope Ministry believes in  taking a stand against the modern-day charismatic movement, and all other  religions and their <span class="underline">erroneous interpretation</span> of the scriptures and the hype  that it creates.</li>
            <li>We do not believe in <strong>pre-election of  man to heaven or hell</strong> by <span class="God">God</span>. The scriptures are clear that God desires all men  to repent and be born again.</li>
            <li>Tabernacle of Hope Ministry in all  fairness believes that any who holds to these above beliefs will not fit in at  the Tabernacle of Hope Ministry.</li>
        <li>The  purpose of the Tabernacle of Hope Ministry, being led and motivated by the <span class="God">Holy  Spirit</span> is to:</li>
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          <li>Take the Gospel of <span class="God">Jesus Christ</span> to the  unsaved in towns and cities across America.(<em>Acts14:21</em>)</li>
          <li>Edify the body of <span class="God">Christ</span> in supporting  churches.(<em>Acts14:22</em>)</li>
          <li>Plant and establish local churches across  America. (<em>Acts14:23</em>)</li>
          <li>Plant and establish orphanages, Christian  schools, and youth camps.</li>
        <p>This will be accomplished through missionary  work supported by Fundamental Bible believing Baptist Churches and other  brothers and sisters in <span class="God">Christ</span> of same convictions and beliefs.</p>
        <li>The Tabernacle of Hope  Ministry for the time being is located in Pensacola, but will be moved near our  sending church in the near future, Palm Bay, Florida.</li>
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          <li>Faith Baptist Church of Palm Bay, Florida  is our sending church and will be overseer and hold accountable the Tabernacle  of Hope Ministry.</li>
          <li>The Tabernacle of Hope Ministry will have  a board of directors consisting of at least five members at all times also  overseeing the ministry.</li>
        <li>In conclusion it is the Hope  and desire of the Tabernacle of Hope Ministry to evangelize the lost across  America, being directed and led by the <span class="God">Holy Spirit of God</span>, and held accountable  by mature godly men appointed by God through our supporting church, and through  the board of directors organized by the <span class="underline">Tabernacle of Hope Ministry</span>.</li>
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"Al que venciere y guardare mis obras hasta el fin, yo le daré autoridad sobre las naciones."
Apocalipsis 2: 26
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