fiorella_liz el tema de la linea funciono perfecto, el problema es que no me muestra las variables por que las defino en otro archivo, pero no puedo darle include por que el otro archivo esta incluyendo settings.
Haber si me explico, tengo dos archivos: setings.php que contiene lo siguiente:
Código PHP:
$website_name = "Arteg - internet solutions";
$mail_to ="";
$mail_from = "";
$message_after_submit_success = "<b>Your message has been submitted successfully! We will answer your concerns as soon as possible. Thank you for contacting us.</b>";
$message_on_submit_error = "An error occured while sending your message, please try again later!";
$send_a_receipt_to_sender = 1;
$receipt_insert_top ="Estimado ".$firstname." gracias por interesarse en nuestros servicios, el plan ".$title." tiene un costo de tiene un costo de $36.3 trimestrales. Los planes pueden ser abonados a través de: Pagofacil, Rapipago (Solicitarnos el cupón de pago).\n Una vez realizado el pago nos envía un mail a NUESTRO EMAIL con todos sus datos personales, los datos del abono y automáticamente, le enviaremos los datos para que suba y administre su sitio.\n Desde ya estamos a su entera disposición por cualquier consulta.\n Saludos cordiales.\n";
$receipt_append_bottom = "Arteg - internet solutions\n Tel: 0358-4665844\n Pje. Agustin Tosco 831 \n Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina";
$show_title = 1;
$min_characters_in_title = 0;
$title_label = "Plan Basic";
$show_first_name = 1;
$min_characters_in_first_name = 2;
$first_name_label = "Nombre y Apellido:";
$show_telephone_number = 1;
$min_characters_in_telephone = 0;
$telephone_label = "Telefono:";
$accept_numbers_only_in_telephone = 1;
$show_fax_number = 1;
$min_characters_in_fax = 0;
$fax_label = "Fax:";
$accept_numbers_only_in_fax = 1;
$show_address_line1 = 1;
$min_characters_in_address_line1 = 0;
$direccion_label = "Direccion:";
$show_city = 1;
$min_characters_in_city = 0;
$ciudad_label = "Ciudad:";
$show_city = 1;
$min_characters_in_city = 0;
$provincia_label = "Provincia:";
$show_zipcode = 1;
$min_characters_in_zipcode = 0;
$zipcode_label = "Codigo Postal:";
$accept_numbers_only_in_zip = 1;
$show_website_address = 1;
$website_required = 0;
$dominio_label = "Dominio:";
$show_email_filed = 1;
$email_reuired = 1;
$email_label = "E-mail:";
$min_characters_in_message = 0;
$message_label = "Adicional:";
//design settings;
$font_color = "#000000"; //font color
$background_color = "#ffffff"; //background color
$form_width = "95%"; //width of the form
$font_size = "12px"; //size of the font
$font_family ="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";//font family
$font_weight = "bold"; //the weight of the font
$align = "center"; //where to alighn form
$number_of_lines_in_message = 10; //defualt number of lines in the message box
$required_field_message = "Fields marked with ( * ) are required fields!";