Código PHP:
* Creates a target image identifier
* @access private
function create_target_image_identifier($width, $height)
// creates a blank image
$targetImageIdentifier = imagecreatetruecolor((int)$width <= 0 ? 1 : (int)$width, (int)$height <= 0 ? 1 : (int)$height);
// if we have transparency in the image
if (isset($this->transparentColorRed) && isset($this->transparentColorGreen) && isset($this->transparentColorBlue)) {
$transparent = imagecolorallocate($targetImageIdentifier, $this->transparentColorRed, $this->transparentColorGreen, $this->transparentColorBlue);
imagefilledrectangle($targetImageIdentifier, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent);
imagecolortransparent($targetImageIdentifier, $transparent);
// return target image identifier
return $targetImageIdentifier;
* creates a new image from a given image identifier
* @access private
function output_target_image($targetImageIdentifier)
// get target file extension
$targetFileExtension = strtolower(substr($this->targetFile, strrpos($this->targetFile, ".") + 1));
// image saving process goes according to required extension
switch ($targetFileExtension) {
// if gif
case "gif":
// if gd support for this file type is not available
if (!function_exists("imagegif")) {
// save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 6;
return false;
// if, for some reason, file could not be created
} elseif (@!imagegif($targetImageIdentifier, $this->targetFile)) {
// save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 3;
return false;
// if jpg
case "jpg":
case "jpeg":
// if gd support for this file type is not available
if (!function_exists("imagejpeg")) {
// save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 6;
return false;
// if, for some reason, file could not be created
} elseif (@!imagejpeg($targetImageIdentifier, $this->targetFile, $this->jpegOutputQuality)) {
// save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 3;
return false;
case "png":
// if gd support for this file type is not available
if (!function_exists("imagepng")) {
// save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 6;
return false;
// if, for some reason, file could not be created
} elseif (@!imagepng($targetImageIdentifier, $this->targetFile)) {
// save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 3;
return false;
// if not a supported file extension
// save the error level and stop the execution of the script
$this->error = 5;
return false;
// if file was created successfully
// chmod the file
chmod($this->targetFile, intval($this->chmodValue, 8));
// if the date/time of the target file should be the same as the source file's
if ($this->preserveSourceFileTime) {
// touch the newly created file
@touch($this->targetFile, $this->sourceFileTime);
// and return true
return true;