Código PHP:
Author: Alberto Moyano Sánchez
Date: 2009-05-24
- The script receives a file and a text with method="post".
- The file is validated to check that is a supported type of image, has no
errors and is not larger than the maximum size allowed.
- If the dimensions of the image are larger than the maximum, it is resized.
- The image is uploaded to a temporary directory in the server.
- If the uploading was right, the script outputs an img html tag with the
uploaded image, and a JavaScript variable with the temporary path of the
uploaded image. If there was any error, the script outputs an error message.
- If a text is sent a together with the file, it means that there was an
image previously uploaded. This text is the path of the previously uploaded
image, and it is removed before the new image is uploaded.
$pathToUpload = "uploads_temp/";
$fileFieldName = "imageToUpload";
// "image/pjpeg" is the type jpg for Internet Explorer
$allowedImageTypes = array("image/png", "image/jpg", "image/jpeg",
"image/pjpeg", "image/gif");
$maxImageSize = 2000000; // in bytes
function displayImage($imagePath) {
// BUG: the uppercase is very important. The extension of the image must
// be uppercase, if not, it is displayed distorted (Firefox 3.0.10)
echo "<img src='" . strtoupper($imagePath) . "' />";
echo "<script type = 'text/javascript'>";
echo "var imagePath = '" . $imagePath . "';";
echo "</script>";
// delay to test the uploading of the image
// the functions imagecreateXXX raise a fatal error when trying
// to create an image larger than 3 MB
function createImageFactory($imagePath, $imageType) {
$image = null;
if($imageType == "image/png") {
$image = imagecreatefrompng($imagePath);
else if($imageType == "image/gif") {
$image = imagecreatefromgif($imagePath);
else {
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath);
return $image;
function saveImage($image, $imagePath, $imageType) {
$resultSave = false;
if($imageType == "image/png") {
$resultSave = imagepng($image, $imagePath);
else if($imageType == "image/gif") {
// if the gif is animated, the function imagegif doesn't keep the
// animation. The animation is lost in the process creating, resampling
// and saving the image
$resultSave = imagegif($image, $imagePath);
else {
$resultSave = imagejpeg($image, $imagePath, 80);
return $resultSave;
function createNewImage($width, $height, $imageType) {
$image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// set the transparency if the image is png or gif
if(($imageType == "image/png") || ($imageType == "image/gif")) {
imagealphablending($image, false);
imagesavealpha($image, true);
$transparent = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 255, 255, 255, 127);
imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $transparent);
return $image;
function uploadResizedImage($sourceImagePath, $destinationImagePath, $imageType) {
$resultSave = false;
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($sourceImagePath);
$maximumDimension = 200;
if(($maximumDimension >= $width) && ($maximumDimension >= $height)) {
// with the process of creating, resampling and saving the image, the
// animation of an animated gif is lost. In order to keep the possible
// animation, if the image is smaller than the maximum size, it is
// uploaded without any processing
$resultSave = move_uploaded_file($sourceImagePath, $destinationImagePath);
else {
// the function createImageFactory raises a fatal error when trying
// to create an image larger than 3 MB
$sourceImage = @createImageFactory($sourceImagePath, $imageType);
if($width > $height) {
$newWidth = round($maximumDimension);
$newHeight = round($height * ($newWidth / $width));
else {
$newHeight = round($maximumDimension);
$newWidth = round($width * ($newHeight / $height));
$destinationImage = createNewImage($newWidth, $newHeight, $imageType);
// the function imagecopyresampled is much better than the function
// imagecopyresized, which distorts the image when resizing
$resultResize = imagecopyresampled($destinationImage, $sourceImage,
0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height);
if($resultResize) {
$resultSave = saveImage($destinationImage, $destinationImagePath, $imageType);
return $resultSave;
// if there was an image uploaded before, remove it, because it is being
// substituted by another one
$oldImageToDelete = $_POST["oldImageToDelete"];
if(($oldImageToDelete != null) && (file_exists($oldImageToDelete))) {
// it must be checked first if there is an error with the file (e.g.
// larger than the maximum size allowed by the hidden field MAX_FILE_SIZE
// in HTML) than if type of the file is an allowed type, because if there
// is an error, the type of the file may not be available
if ($_FILES[$fileFieldName]["error"] > 0) {
echo "There is an error with the file.";
echo "<br />";
echo "Error code: " . $_FILES["imageToUpload"]["error"];
else if(!in_array($_FILES[$fileFieldName]["type"], $allowedImageTypes)) {
echo "The type of the file is not a supported image type.";
echo "<br />";
echo "FILE: " . $_FILES[$fileFieldName]["name"];
echo "<br />";
echo "File type: " . $_FILES[$fileFieldName]["type"];
else if($_FILES[$fileFieldName]["size"] > $maxImageSize) {
// the function createImageFactory, called by uploadResizedImage raises
// a fatal error when trying to create an image larger than 3 MB
echo "The uploaded file is larger than allowed.";
echo "<br />";
echo "Uploaded file size: " . round($_FILES[$fileFieldName]["size"] / 1000) . " KB";
echo "<br />";
echo "Max allowed size: " . round($maxImageSize / 1000) . " KB";
else {
$imagePath = $pathToUpload . basename($_FILES[$fileFieldName]["name"]);
if (file_exists($imagePath)) {
if(uploadResizedImage($_FILES[$fileFieldName]["tmp_name"], $imagePath, $_FILES[$fileFieldName]["type"])) {
else {
echo "There was an error uploading the file" . $imagePath . ", please try again!";
echo "<br />";
echo "If the error continues, the uploaded file may not be accepted by the system.";
Código PHP:
Author: Alberto Moyano Sánchez
Date: 2009-05-24
- The script receives some data with method="post".
- One of this data may be a path of an image that was previously uploaded
to a temporary directory in the server. If this datum exists, the script
move the image from the temporary directory to a final one.
- The script process the rest of the data and produces some output.
$pathToMove = "uploads/";
$imagePathParameterName = "uploadedImagePath";
$imageDescriptionParameterName = "imageDescription";
$imagePath = $_POST[$imagePathParameterName];
$description = $_POST[$imageDescriptionParameterName];
// the funtion file_exists doesn't find files whose name has special
// characters, like tildes
if (($imagePath != null) && (file_exists($imagePath))) {
$imagePathToMove = $pathToMove . basename($imagePath);
if(file_exists($imagePathToMove)) {
if(rename($imagePath, $imagePathToMove)) {
echo "The image " . $imagePathToMove . " was stored with the description '" . $description . "'.";
else {
echo "There was an error moving the file " . $imagePath . " to " . $imagePathToMove;
else {
echo "No image was uploaded for the description '" . $description . "'.";