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<td align="left" valign="top-left" width="55%"><h5><font color="#ffffff">We Have very SPECIAL items from collection of Dr Ahura Pirouz Yazdi (Baba Ahura) including his personal property from painting, statutes, antiques, Piano, games, car, Persian Carpets, and handmade also from his personal library to over 4000 valuable selected books including several encyclopedia from $1 to over $24,000 also his first laptop and special HUBLOT watch. All articles will be sold and delivered on highest bidding process by the end of March 2009.</font></h5></td>
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<p><b>Hi mart Auctions & eBay Store</b> is a new idea with live and audiovisual auction on Internet TV 24 hours a day 7days a week The first prototype of this unique concept is based in suburban of Washington DC. The Capital of United State of America . Soon in Suburban of every major city world wide. We offers every items live on Himart TV and with close-up to see the part you would like. The clip will be in our archive for your view until the end of Auction in addition that all items are available in our stores and storage for your examination, pickup or delivery. We also offer live auctions of almost all auctioneers world wide from New York, Paris, London, Rome, Tokyo, Peking to Amsterdam, Buenos Aires, Brasilia, Jakarta, Brussels, , Frankfort and hundreds of other Auction houses World wide (<a href="/auctions.html">see list and schedules of auctions</a>). We can appraise each items and put with min starting bid on your particular items which would be shown in our store and our Hi Mart TV Naturally real state, Aircraft, Helicopter, boats, cars agricultural and construction equipments may not be available in our store but on TV and designated address, Please check our list and you add more with yours for sale o Auction.<br>
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<p>Wooden Painting Lady<br />
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<p>Golden Antique Vessel<br />
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<p>Wooden Sculpture<br />
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<td width="50%" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#000033"><p>Product: >>>></p>
<p>Silver Antique Vessel<br />
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<td width="50%" align="right" valign="top" bgcolor="#000033"><p>Product: >>>></p>
<p>Old Map (2) in Wood<br />
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<p>Metal Antique Cock<br />
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<p>Sculpture of FARAVAHAR<br />
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<td bgcolor="#000033" bordercolor="#FFCC00" colspan="3"><h1 class="title1">NEW!!!</h1>
<p class="title1"> A complete TV studio with audio visual mixers, lights, conections, and all equipments. <br>
Cost $30.000<br>
NOW for ONLY <b>$5000</b> also sold partially for other studio.
<h2 class="title1">Don't miss it! </h2></td>
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