12/04/2009, 10:29
| | Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2008
Mensajes: 101
Antigüedad: 16 años, 5 meses Puntos: 4 | |
Respuesta: Consultas externas a mysql es una especie de script automatizado lo unico que me pide es el user de mis database mi host y mi pass aqui esta el codigo de connecion
defined( '_ACM_VALID' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
define ('DEBUG', false); // Enable debug mode ; for set on replace false by true
define ('LOG', false); // Enable log mode ; for set off replace true by false
// # Login Server Configuration
$ls_host = ''; // login host database DB
$ls_user = 'arkang31'; // login user
$ls_pass = '1234'; // login password
$ls_db = 'l2jdb'; // login database name
// # Game Server Configuration
$id = 1; // Id of the game server
$gs_host[$id] = ''; // game host database DB
$gs_user[$id] = 'arkang31'; // game user
$gs_pass[$id] = '1234'; // game password
$gs_db[$id] = 'l2jdb'; // game database name
Copy line under this text for add a new world. The id need to be same as the id registred into gameservers table.
$id = 2; // Id of the game server
$gs_host[$id] = 'localhost'; // game host database DB
$gs_user[$id] = 'root'; // game user
$gs_pass[$id] = ''; // game password
$gs_db[$id] = 'l2jdb'; // game database name
// # Web Configuration
$server_name = 'Private Server'; // server name
$email_from = '[email protected]'; // Specify an adress email source
$act_img = true; // Activate image verification ; set false if you want desactivate
$act_email = true; // Activate email verification ; set false if you want desactivate
$acc_limit = false; // How many account can be registered ; set false for unlimited
$same_email = false; // Allowed same email for different account ; set false if you want prohibit
$id_limit = 15; // Limit id characters
$pwd_limit = 15; // Limit pwd characters
$language = 'english'; // language use by Account Manager :: name of language file in language folder
$can_chg_email = false; // User can change email ; set false if you want prohibit (If there are no email registered. Option is avaible same if you have set prohibited)
$ack_cond = false; // User must accept before register :: conditions can be edited on language file
$template = 'kamael'; // template directory
//# Characters Config #
// Don't use those settings for now keep to false please
$allow_char_mod = false; // Enable characters mod
$allow_account_services = false; // Enable Account services feature (change name and gender) for offline character
$time_account_services = 7; // Need to wait 7 days after change gender before to change another time for the same or another character
$item_female_only = array(8559,8913,8917); // Check female-use only items before to change gender
$item_male_only = array(8923); // Check male-use only items before to change gender
$name_regex = '`^[[:alnum:]]{3,16}$`'; // allow alphanumeric character in char name (3-16 char.)
$allow_fix = false; // Enable fixing feature for offline character
$allow_unstuck = false; // Enable unstuck feature for offline character
$time_fix = 24; // Need to wait 24 hours before to use fix or unstuck against
$coord_static = false; // Use static coords when using unstuck and fix feature
$coord_default = array(0,0,0); // When coord static enable tp player to the coords (x,y,z)
//# Advanced Config #
$smtp['use'] = false; // Set to true if you want use an smtp server
$smtp['address'] = 'smtp.server.com'; // Address of the smtp server
$smtp['port'] = 25; // Port of the smtp server
$smtp['login'] = ''; // login of the smtp server if you need authentication
$smtp['password'] = ''; // password of the smtp server if you need authentication
$smtp['domain'] = ''; // domain of your host
$id_regex = '`^[[:alnum:]]{4,'.$id_limit.'}$`'; // allow alphanumeric character in login name and login character min needed is 4
$pwd_regex = '`^[[:alnum:]@\\\/]{4,'.$pwd_limit.'}$`'; //allow alphanumeric character and \ / @ in password and pwd character min needed is 4
funciona bien en local hace todo
Última edición por arkang31; 12/04/2009 a las 10:38 |