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  #717 (permalink)  
Antiguo 22/03/2009, 15:01
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2008
Ubicación: en el santo reino
Mensajes: 98
Antigüedad: 16 años, 3 meses
Puntos: 1
Respuesta: Empire: Total War (2º parte)

Iniciado por Chow_Total_War Ver Mensaje
Flipad, chavales, para que luego me preguntéis por qué soy tan pesado con este modder (Darth Vader). ¡¡Pedazo de mod!!

Estos son los cambios que trae:

1. Indians (Native Americans) misbalanced (melee weak+missile strong) (DARTH VADER) Bows and throwing axes + Damage balanced realistically, Melee Increased a little, Speed is better than any other foot unit. Still cannot win easily because the general musket range is increased and they lose too many men by the new Darth efficiency of the musket.
2. Square formation bugged (Troops do not fire properly) (DARTH VADER) Seems it has been positively affected by the better cohesion of the units.
3. Naval Units endure too much (Some lose completely their wood and do not sink!) (DARTH VADER) Hull strength of ships balanced better. Now critical hits play large role and smaller ships can take bigger part in the battle, by exploiting their advantages of speed and manoeuvrability.
4. Indian units (And generally all the irregulars) act too coherently (DARTH VADER) They are not so coherent now, to their advantage.
5. Nations are kind of passive in normal difficulty and do not attack often (except with navy) (DARTH VADER) This has greatly changed. AI uses too many new priority addons of mine. It will support allied assaults, try to retake a lost province at all costs, fortify to towns and forts, guard the borders, wage wars, raid, blockade.... everything is more lively in the normal difficulty and I would like someone to test to harder ones.
6. The AI does not use naval landings (Aradiel) I have not tested it yet too much but my target was to improve this.
7. AI refuses to take reasonable offers while beeing in no position to challenge the player (Aradiel, kuruption) It should have changed indirectly because of bigger priorities in military strength weight and so a powerful nation can threaten others more easily.
8. Some minor states especially Kurland always attack the player (Aradiel)
9. Protectorates declare war by themselves (Aradiel)
10. AI is hording armys in cities, does not respond properly to invasions (Aradiel) This is changed a lot as mentioned above. AI will still guard capitals but will sally out in an opportunity, defend or if it calculates it cannot win it will stay to use the bonus of militia. Only then.
11. AI Does not properly invade itself, Austria-Poland deadlock (Aradiel) Everything is altered. Total War is spreading with alliance packs.
12. Allies hardly ever send assistance (Aradiel) This should have changed. Testing needed.
13. AI does not respond to piracy (Aradiel) AI will try to guard trade routes at all costs and energetically try to attack those of the human player.
14. Artillery is completely ineffective/inaccurate unless you alter the unitsize to 240+ (Aradiel, Nantok) Artillery range is increased and balanced realistically. Static artillery will still be able to fire across the critical points of a map. Mortars can be shot down. Fort artillery has 100 better range than most artillery so that they can counterfire enemy artillery attack, Only mortars can outshoot them by 50 meters. The game of siege is a far more difficult process now. Remember the siege scene of the "Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day lewis"... artillery will play the biggest part of it.)
15. Technology trade is almost impossible, unless you trade land (Aradiel)
16. AI is repeating to offer the same deal over and over, or AI is offering to trade 2 or even 3! provinces for 1 (Aradiel) Seems it has been affected by new AI priorities.
17. Fleets are unbalanced (Aradiel)
18. Cavalry stopping just before hitting a target (Errabundi)
19. When turning formations or jumping walls units sometimes go into ultra-run mode (merka) All infantry speeds have been normalised to realistic levels and according to unit.
20. The "surrender" button when sieging a town is useless. No matter how many units you have and no matter how few they have, they never give up! (helmersen)
21. Pathfinding problematic in general, especially on bridges and other narrow passages (Argent Usher)
22. Friendly Line of Fire not working (Argent Usher)
23. AI priority of attack seems not to work in some occasions (Against artillery for example) (Argent Usher)
24. Sometimes AI formations maneuver until they reach 1-2 mtrs ahead of Human Formation and then charge (Normal Difficulty, 1.5 multiplier unit size). (DARTH VADER)
25. Unmounted Dragoons which have lost men, cannot remount and get stuck or behave strangely (DARTH VADER, Lord Willy)
26. When a special character dies in campaign map (Spy, Gentleman, Priest), he dies endlessly with an annoying sound until you click on the character. Then the message of his death pops up and the tormenting sound stops. (Seems hard coded but I noticed) (DARTH VADER)
27. Rakes and Gentlemen rarely increase in skill after successfull duels or missions (Nantok)
28. Hostile armies in your territory will get stuck there when you declare peace, untill you declare war again (Nantok)
29. AI prioritises your general too highly in battles. Their army will stop what they were doing and run around in circles after him completly oblivious of your army killing them (Nantok)
30. Muskets range is very short (DARTH VADER, Nantok) This has changed significantly and realistically. 50%-60% increase of range of all guns is what was needed. Accuracy is affected by distance and it did not need alteration. Units with experience, better accuracy and good reload rate, can now outshoot much bigger armies as they should do. The age of musket is brought back to the game. Witness it.
31. Attacking with a wide formation seem to cause only the men in the middle to fight, while the men on the flanks stand idly (Nantok)
32. General needs own abilities, like rally troops (Nantok)
33. Certain factions refuse to trade or ally with you, regardless of how much they like you (Nantok)
34. Conquering Provinces should be more difficult, not only by taking the capital. (RaduAlexandru) Religion and unrest takes a much bigger part in a province pacification. In my test I finally took France (I played with Britain). How? I sieged it for 4 turns. They attacked with all the militia inside. I won but they still had new militia regenerated! New siege and new battle to win with a lot of casualties. The city is ruined with many damages. My income is depleted and I face bankruptcy. I do not have money to recruit new units and repair my losses. A relieveing french army enters the border. A rebel force is generated at the outskirts of the city. I decide to take an empty star fort outside of the town and abandon the city. Paris is easily taken and the remnant of my forces are sieged by a big and united french army to destroy me completely.... you want more?
35. Pirates gone forever if conquered (RaduAlexandru)
36. Troop Units move too fast (DARTH VADER, LordWedggie) As I said above, Speed of units is normalised to realistic levels. This creates not only a better feel but a new challenge for a battle.
37. Ships turning rate too high (DARTH VADER, LordWedggie)
38. AI seems to get bonuses in hard difficulties resulting to big endurance and premature charges (DARTH VADER, LordWedggie)
39. Laser bullet, arrow, cannonball trays are annoying and must be eradicated (DARTH VADER)
40. Religion should play more vital role (kuruption)
41. Leaders are immune to assasination attempts (kuruption)
42. Cavalry pathfinding is problematic (kuruption)
43. There should be better variance of reload times between troop types (Remo) I have done this for many troop types and will do more later. For example native americans cannot reload too fast.
44. Ammunition should be lowered to get more critical ???Subject to remove???(Nantok)
45. Troops delay to fire too much (Angel) It has changed due to better cohesion of Line infantry. The concentration of firepower is easily calculated and is devastating as it was historically.
46. Crimean tatars use cossack infantry instead of mass of tatar cavalry (InfUA)
47. Fleet formation gets disorganised for no apparent reason (Alone Elf)
48. Ships get stuck at edge of map (rebirthofman)
49. Rain not affecting guns (Marine Hoplite, LEGIO_Desaix)
50. Peace offers not given by AI (Otherside) It should have changed. Needs testing.
51. Artillery not protected in battle by AI (aus-rotten)
52. There is need of a limit of general unit raise number (Xtiaan72)
53. AI uses almost every time solid shots and seldom or never boards ships (njk)
54. Artillery crew seems to leave their guns after melee and have to be manually placed there again (Marine Hoplite)
55. Early artillery unit are wrongly static ([email protected])
56. AI sees human hidden units (Marine Hoplite)
57. Artillery stats almost the same (Ziem)
58. Some units are too weak (DARTH VADER) East, Ottoman, Indian units are now bigger and have lower cost. They can raise large armies who compensate the lack of efficiency with big numbers.
59. Flanking not clearly a better battle option (DARTH VADER) Now any kind of rear or flank attack will have a devastating effect, to a realistic level. A good general from a bad one can finally be distinguished.
60. Units should gain experience a little bit faster. At the moment it is nearly impossible to get +6 level units. (herb0865)

Also a lot of other minor adjustments are included. I will continue...

De todos modos, decir que yo lo probé ayer, y eché de menos una mayor influencia de la distancia en la precisión, y que los barcos dejaran de girar sobre sí mismos (cierto que el mod mejora estos valores, pero no me parece, ni de lejos, suficiente).
si alguien pudiera traducirlo,mucho mejor,k es ke de ingles estoy fatal
atacas con valor a caballo,eres fuerte y luchas cuerpo a cuerpo con la muerte...

Fragmento del himno de la caballeria española