Ver Mensaje Individual
  #3 (permalink)  
Antiguo 19/03/2009, 03:33
Fecha de Ingreso: marzo-2009
Mensajes: 26
Antigüedad: 15 años, 11 meses
Puntos: 0
Respuesta: Encuesta a suscriptores

INDEX2.PHP (donde apunta el botón "enviar")


// Set flag that this is a parent file
define( '_VALID_MOS', 1 );

require( 'globals.php' );
require_once( 'configuration.php' );
require_once( 'includes/joomla.php' );

// displays offline/maintanance page or bar
if ($mosConfig_offline == 1) {
	require( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/offline.php' );

// load system bot group
$_MAMBOTS->loadBotGroup( 'system' );

// trigger the onStart events
$_MAMBOTS->trigger( 'onStart' );

if (file_exists( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/components/com_sef/sef.php' )) {
	require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/components/com_sef/sef.php' );
} else {
	require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/sef.php' );
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/frontend.php' );

// retrieve some expected url (or form) arguments
$option 	= strtolower( strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'option' ) ) );
$Itemid 	= intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', 0 ) );
$no_html 	= intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'no_html', 0 ) );
$act 		= strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'act', '' ) );
$do_pdf 	= intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'do_pdf', 0 ) );

// mainframe is an API workhorse, lots of 'core' interaction routines
$mainframe = new mosMainFrame( $database, $option, '.' );

// trigger the onAfterStart events
$_MAMBOTS->trigger( 'onAfterStart' );

// get the information about the current user from the sessions table
$my = $mainframe->getUser();
// patch to lessen the impact on templates
if ($option == 'search') {
	$option = 'com_search';

// loads english language file by default
if ($mosConfig_lang=='') {
	$mosConfig_lang = 'english';
include_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/language/' . $mosConfig_lang . '.php' );

if ($option == 'login') {
} else if ($option == 'logout') {
	mosRedirect( 'index.php' );

if ( $do_pdf == 1 ){
	include $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/includes/pdf.php';

// detect first visit

$gid = intval( $my->gid );

$cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate();

// precapture the output of the component
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/editor/editor.php' );


if ($path = $mainframe->getPath( 'front' )) {
	$task 	= strval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', '' ) );
	$ret 	= mosMenuCheck( $Itemid, $option, $task, $gid );
	if ($ret) {
		require_once( $path );
	} else {
} else {
	header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
	echo _NOT_EXIST;
$_MOS_OPTION['buffer'] = ob_get_contents();



header( 'Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' );
header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' );
header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false );
header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );

// display the offline alert if an admin is logged in
if (defined( '_ADMIN_OFFLINE' )) {
	include( $mosConfig_absolute_path .'/offlinebar.php' );

// start basic HTML
if ( $no_html == 0 ) {
	$customIndex2 = 'templates/'. $mainframe->getTemplate() .'/index2.php';
	if (file_exists( $customIndex2 )) {
		require( $customIndex2 );
	} else {
		// needed to seperate the ISO number from the language file constant _ISO
		$iso = split( '=', _ISO );
		// xml prolog
		echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'. $iso[1] .'"?' .'>';
			<?php echo $mainframe->getHead(); ?>
			<link rel="stylesheet" href="templates/<?php echo $cur_template;?>/css/template_css.css" type="text/css" />
			<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site; ?>/images/favicon.ico" />
			<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; <?php echo _ISO; ?>" />
			<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
			<?php if ($my->id || $mainframe->get( 'joomlaJavascript' )) { ?>
			<script language="JavaScript" src="<?php echo $mosConfig_live_site;?>/includes/js/joomla.javascript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
			<?php } ?>
		<body class="contentpane">
			<?php mosMainBody(); ?>
} else {

Última edición por baneado2008; 19/03/2009 a las 06:42