Hola, en esta web le preguntan eso a Matt Cutts
en esta web le preguntan eso a Matt Cutts
Does Googlebot have preference the following url structures? long-haired-dogs.html longhaireddogs.html long_haired_dogs.html"
JasonBartholme, Loves Park, IL Hide response
I would recommend
in that order. If your site is already live on the web, it's probably not worth going back to change from one method to another, but if you're just starting a new site, I'd probably
choose the urls in that order of preference. I can only speak for Google; you'll need to run your own tests to see what works best with Microsoft, Yahoo, and Ask.
Matt Cutts, Bay Area, California
Recomienda usar guion medio para separar palabras en las urls.
Tambien dice que si ya tienes un dominio sin los guiones que lo dejes así.
Un saludo