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Antiguo 02/03/2009, 03:04
Avatar de titanvoyager
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Mensajes: 247
Antigüedad: 16 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 3
Respuesta: Empire: Total War

El gore incrementa la edad recomendada; más edad, menos público (supuestamente)

Para que os vayaís haciendo la idea:

i. Yes nations can 'reemerge' once conquered. A sucesfull rebellion in their home region may result in them rising again.

ii. When a European faction (E.g. France) has no European colonies left, it is defeated. Ditto an Indian or American faction. You need at least one region in your 'home theatre'.

iii. Colonies will revert to independence if their colonial power is destroyed, they are not automatically divided between others. They must be conquered by someone else.

iv. Protectorates simply no longer have the benefit of a protector if their 'big brother' falls. Not to mention they will be at war with the faction thats destroyed their protector, a bad position for a little kingdom with no big friends left.

v. Territory can be exchanged as part of a peace deal. The vast majority of diplomatic negotiations can be influenced with terrirtory, technology or money. There are other options too, but more on those later...

vi. Drills are automatically added to units in the field, meaning they will perform them when appropriate. I deliberately took my troops off 'fire at will' and timed the volleys myself knowing the new drill would work best this way.

vii. Diplomacy is incredibly important, you can mouse over any province in the game within the diplomacy screen and see the factors affecting your relationship with it. The modifiers range from government type, respect and trade to the more alarming or underhanded. Reading these well and thinking of them during neogtations is key to reading the intentions of others.

viii. Wars of succesion are in Empire as a feature.
No está nada mal... aunque me hubiese gustado elegir cómo dispararán mis tropas.

Otra cosa más, he encontrado una de las versiones del ETW en el Corte Inglés (a 50e) que incluye la unidad especial de caballería prusiana. Lo digo por si a alguien le hace ilusión jugar con Prusia que tenga también la posibilidad de utilizar esta unidad, personalmente me da igual porque yo voy a estar con España a saco.

Última edición por titanvoyager; 02/03/2009 a las 04:07