25/02/2009, 11:12
| | Fecha de Ingreso: febrero-2009
Mensajes: 7
Antigüedad: 16 años Puntos: 0 | |
Respuesta: ORA-12154: TSN:no se ha podido resolver el identificador de conexión espec Hola me llamo David soy nuevo aki y la verdad que esta web me parece muy interesante,tengo el oracle 8i y acabo de instalar el developer 9i, me pasa algo paarecido a lo de los compañeros de arriba,cuando me intento loguear en developer aparece el puto error este (siento hablar mal pero estoy ya algo desesperado)
ORA-12154: TSN:no se ha podido resolver el nombre de servicio, he leido todo el post,y mi archivo tnsnames esta asi:
# This file contains the syntax information for
# the entries to be put in any tnsnames.ora file
# The entries in this file are need based.
# There are no defaults for entries in this file
# that Sqlnet/Net3 use that need to be overridden
# Typically you could have two tnsnames.ora files
# in the system, one that is set for the entire system
# and is called the system tnsnames.ora file, and a
# second file that is used by each user locally so that
# he can override the definitions dictated by the system
# tnsnames.ora file.
# The entries in tnsnames.ora are an alternative to using
# the names server with the onames adapter.
# They are a collection of aliases for the addresses that
# the listener(s) is(are) listening for a database or
# several databases.
# The following is the general syntax for any entry in
# a tnsnames.ora file. There could be several such entries
# tailored to the user's needs.
<alias>= [ (DESCRIPTION_LIST = # Optional depending on whether u have
# one or more descriptions
# If there is just one description, unnecessary ]
[ (SDU=2048) ] # Optional, defaults to 2048
# Can take values between 512 and 32K
[ (ADDRESS_LIST= # Optional depending on whether u have
# one or more addresses
# If there is just one address, unnecessary ]
[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
(KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)
[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
... # More addresses
[ ) ] # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST is used or not
[ (GLOBAL_NAME=locales)]
[ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]
[ (SDU=2048) ] # Optional, defaults to 2048
# Can take values between 512 and 32K
[ (ADDRESS_LIST= ] # Optional depending on whether u have more
# than one address or not
# If there is just one address, unnecessary
[ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
(PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
(KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)
... # More addresses
[ ) ] # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST
# is being used
[ (GLOBAL_NAME=locales) ]
[ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]
[ (GLOBAL_NAME=locales) ]
... # More descriptions
[ ) ] # Optional depending on whether DESCRIPTION_LIST is used or not
el nombre de mi servicio (de mi base de datos) es locales,simplemente alguien que entienda,por favor que me diga si he de modificar algo por que toy al borde del suicidio....
Muchas gracias por adelantado
oOo mAkOnE oOo |