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Antiguo 19/12/2002, 12:31
Avatar de Virgil
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2002
Ubicación: Guadalajara
Mensajes: 872
Antigüedad: 22 años, 7 meses
Puntos: 3
Consideraciones de los servicios "ilimitados"

Los servicios que ofrecen algo ilimitado por lo general en sus condiciones de uso acaban teniendo muchas menos características que los que te dan una cantidad fija. Basta con tomar unos dos o tres de esos hosts y leer con cuidado sus políticas de uso aceptable (AUP). Por lo general tienen apartados como los siguientes:

- Sólo permiten archivos de tamaño inferior a X
- Sólo contenido con liga directa desde las páginas ("linkeado")
- Sólo páginas que estén ligadas unas con otras
- Sólo ciertos tipos de archivos
- Sólo cierto tipo de scripts
- Quota de transferencia máxima por archivo por día

Y muchos otras restricciones (que son lógicas). Algunas veces hacen la analogía con los letreros de "come todo lo que quieras por $ xxx.00", sólo que en este caso casi siempre existen restricciones, pues en internet los glotones de ancho de banda pueden consumir mucho más que lo que podrían comer una banda de gigantes en un restaurant.

Un ejemplo, (Los comentarios en rojo, subrayado y énfasis con negritas son míos) :

En su aclaración de lo que es "unlimited bandwidth":

Planning On Operating A Bulletin Board?

Sorry... 2MHost Inc. can not allow its customers to operate Bulletin Boards. These applications simply consume too much bandwidth. In order to allow the operation of Bulletin Boards, we would have to charge a lot more. Instead, 2MHost Inc. takes pride in providing its clients with inexpensive, high-quality hosting.
De entrada la mayoría de los sitios serios quedan excluídos con esto.

NO SPAMMING - any site operators who use/store any kind of spamming sofware, or whose spamming activities affect 2MHost Inc. servers negatively in any way, will have their accounts terminated without warning. They will also be fined $50.

Por lo general, para los que ofrecen transferencia ilimitada, SPAMMING significa simplemente tener mucho tráfico en el servidor de mail.

2MHost Inc. allows unlimited bandwidth for all sites, except for those that:

Run any type of Real Media files , including .ra, .ram, .rm, .mp3, .mov, and .avi files.
Offer any type or size of downloads including .exe files, .zip (or any other compressed files) and .pdf files.
Operate any type of chat , web cams, forum , irc or similar programs.
Allow visitors to upload files . For sites meeting these conditions, 2MHost Inc. promises to deliver truly unlimited bandwidth.
If your site cannot meet all of the conditions listed above, 2MHost Inc. will allow 2.5GB free bandwidth per month and charge $4.00 for each GB above the 2.5GB limit. <--- léase entre líneas: "esta es la máxima transferencia REAL ofrecida a los clientes"

Personal accounts are to be used by the primary owner only . Account holders are not permitted to resell, store or give away web-hosting services from their web site to other parties.
Web hosting services are defined as allowing a separate, third party to host content on the owner's web site
(ni pienses en darle un directorio a tu novia, padres, amigos) . Exceptions to this include ad banners, classified ads, and personal ads.

2MHost Inc. reserves the right to refuse service and/or access to its servers to anyone.

2MHost Inc. does not allow any of the following content to be stored on its servers:

Adult Material - Includes all pornography, erotic images, or otherwise lewd or obscene content. The designation of "adult material" is left entirely to the discretion of 2MHost Inc. Si pensabas poner una galería de fotos sexys de Christina Aguilera o la celebridad de moda en tu portal, olvídalo. Espera un momento, no se permite ningún tipo de portal...

Online/Offline Games and Anime Sites - Includes all online/offline Casinos, Jumpling, MUDs, Egg Drop, interactive gaming on our servers, Anime communties, PlayStation games Forums, news(!) , reviews(!) .

Portals - Includes any size portal for any purpose(!) (PHPNuke, PosNuke,..).

Streaming Media (regular hosting accounts only) - We do not allow any kind of streaming media, legal or illegal Muy bonito , including Real Audio, Real Video, and QuickTime. The use of Flash/Shockwave, however, is allowed.


High bandwidth usage: 2MHost Inc. offers an unlimited use policy by maintaining very high bandwidth-to-customer ratios. In rare cases, 2MHost Inc. may determine that a customer is using server resources to such an extent that he or she may jeopardize server performance and resources for other customers. In such instances, 2MHost Inc. reserves the right to invoke the High Resource User Policy.

You may run any CGI or non-CGI scripts you desire. However, we reserve the right to disable any script that dramatically affects server performance.

We are proud to offer our clients non-restricted data transfer. This is defined as any transfer of data in the form of text or graphics, directly readable by a web browser. Our intention is to provide a large storage space to serve web documents, not an off-site storage area for electronic files. All image files (.GIF, .JPEG, .BMP, etc.) stored in an account on our servers must be 'linked' to web pages (.htm, .html) which reside within the same account. Accounts containing numerous or large (over 500Kb)(!) unlinked files are subject to warning, suspension or cancellation at the discretion of 2MHost Inc.'s administration.

Please note that over 85% of our clients never exceed even 2000 megs of total FTP and web page transfer combined (Nunca lo han hecho, por que la transferencia tope REAL es 2.5GB...jejeje) , so you can be assured that our bandwidth is not choked by numerous 'load-heavy' sites (Léase: cualquier sitio exitoso, dentro de lo normal, por cierto). To further protect the integrity of our service, any individual site consistently using 10% or more of the system's resources may be issued a warning or have its account deactivated.

Resources are defined as bandwidth and/or processor utilization. 2MHost Inc. may implement the following policy at its sole discretion:

When a web site is found to be monopolizing the resources available, 2MHost Inc. reserves the right to suspend that site immediately. This policy is implemented only in extreme circumstances and is intended to prevent the misuse of our servers.

2MHost Inc. reserves the right to cancel the service at any time. Customer refund requests are to be sent to [email protected] and will only be processed in the cases of service non-performance where 2MHost Inc. is clearly at fault Lo cual significa prácticamente nunca, es decir, si te suspenden la cuenta sin aviso y sin razón válida, y no hubo caída del servidor (que por otro lado tienes que probar que fué su culpa y no de su proveedor, o de x motivo que aleguen) no te regresan nada. Punto.. Refund requests for problems beyond 2MHost Inc.'s control will be refused.

Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold 2MHost Inc. harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable attorney's fees asserted against 2MHost Inc., its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, its agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless 2MHost Inc. against liabilities arising out of:
(1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in
connection with 2MHost Inc.'s server.
(2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party.
(3) copyright infringement.
(4) any defective products sold to customer from 2MHost Inc.'s server.En resumen, ellos no tienen la culpa de nada, aún cuando la tengan, y tu tienes que pagarles si los demandas.

2MHost Inc. will not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer, 2MHost Inc. makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. 2MHost Inc. disclaims any warranter merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, nondeliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by 2MHost Inc. and its employees. Mhhh... interesante. Quizás debería copiar esto...

2MHost Inc. reserves the right to revise the above mentioned policies at any time. Es decir, si surge alguna situación que no les sea conveniente, cambian las políticas en ese mismo momento, y listo .

Después de leer esto, díganme, que tipo de sitios que podrían hacer uso de lo "ilimitado" REALMENTE se pueden hospedar allí?.
Un Saludo,


"Un viaje de mil leguas comienza con el primer paso"
Lao Tse