esta en Ingles sorry, no tenia tiempo de traducirlo pero es muy sencillito
tep 1. Write good content and optimise your pages for relevance to your chosen keywords.
To complete this step follow the guide below. It is ordered by most important factors first.
I. Use your keywords in the <body> text.
A. Use heading tags where apropriate for form and logic relating to your theme.
B. Put your keywords in bold and large font size where appropriate.
C. Try to use your keywords at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of your body text.
II. Use your keywords in the <title>.
(Use it once and make your title short and to the point.)
III. Use your keywords in the <description>.
(Write a real description of your site that will get people to click through. Use your keyword once, at the beginning if possible.)
IV. Use your keywords in the URL.
(separate keywords in the URL with dashes)
V. Use your keywords in page file names.
(as many pages as possible that are relevant)
VI. Use your keywords in subfolder names.
(as many subfolders as possible with at least two files per subfolder)
VII. Use your keywords in internal links.
(Use keywords if possible in anchor text of links. Text links are best.)
VIII. Use your keywords in the <keywords> text.
(use as many times as necessary to cover all potential permutations of the word with most common first)
IX. Use your keywords in picture <ALT> text.
(Keyword at beginning of ALT text, picture at or near top of page.)
X. Use your keywords in picture file names.
Step 2. Interlink your site for maximum main page pagerank benefit.(read this step again, slowly!)(Also, use a pagerank calculator if necessary)
Step 3. Get lots of people with closely related sites to link to you with your chosen keywords in the anchor text of the link. (Measure the benefit by dividing the pagerank of the linking page with the number of links on that page. Higher number is better.)
Step 4. Get listed in the ODP, Yahoo, and any other reputable directory you can find. Choose your categories, titles and descriptions for these links, if you can, to reflect your most important keywords.