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Antiguo 15/12/2008, 19:52
Avatar de FREDREX
Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2008
Mensajes: 528
Antigüedad: 17 años
Puntos: 6
Respuesta: Europa Barborum

Yo reisntale camaradas con los parches para el 1.2, y buscando veo un minimod que trae varias modificaciones para EB que incluye esto

ALEXANDER.exe; Thanks to Maksimus for his wonderful instructions (use alex.exe , there’s so much info that you probably better go read the original thread, but it makes the game more stable, allows night battles, better AI , enemy retrains)

Spoils of Victory for EB; by V.T. Marvin (Well basically after a large battle you’re able to get some profits out of the dead bodies left on the battlefield, collecting metals , weapons and armors ,which translate into mnai)

Some trait changes (command stars & cursus honorum) by konny. (It makes easier to get more stars for your generals since they don’t longer loose them for just being “lovers of beauty”, and the romani elections are improved , now you’ll get more appropriate FMs getting senate offices)

Win Conditions; originally by JRMC and special thanks to konny for making a new version (it adds victory conditions to the campaign AI ,the current EB has that file empty , and this will improve AI behavior during campaign making it more historical.)

Roman Allied Legions; by konny (“In the early periode you can recruite core Roman troops in Rome only. In the other Italian provinces you can recruite units that are very much the same, but still different. After the Polybian reforms your zone of recruitement is expanded to all of Italy plus "Gallia Togata". For houserule purposes the allied Legions are always labeled by their home province.”)

Darth Stalin's 1.1 Romani Fix with "corrected" Gallic Helm; by Darth Stalin and special thanks to mucky for the fix using Gallic helm submitted by Obelics (it improves A LOT the skins of cohorts imperatorial , cohorts evocate, and cohorts praetoriana)

MP Swapper; by||Lz3|| (Swaps captain for FMs when playing MP, you won't have to rely on those pesky captains to lead your royal armies)

Force Diplomacy Minimod; by DimeBagHo , update byJarardo(when you activate it you force the AI to accept your diplomatic offers , you know for example when they only have 1 city left and still refuse a ceasefire…) *if you don’t want to use FD just don’t use it and there wont be any difference

Y empece mi campaña de nuevo VH/H, uno de ellos hace que las unidades romanas solo las reclutes en roma, en las ciudades italiana reclutas unidades italianas esto cambia con la reforma de polibio me parece mas historico, me parece que mojoro un poco la IA por que dorrote un ejercito epirota regresa taras y re-entrena las unidades y viendo sin la niebla de guerra veo que los griegos transportan un ejercito de creta a grecia eso no lo hacen normalmente