Hola , gracias por responder.
Pues algo asi es lo que busco, pero sin usar tablas dentro, eso es lo que estoy tratando de evitar para aprender a usar los div. Arriba sale como va mi header, lo incluyo con código php al igual que el footer, de todas formas te los voy a poner por aqui para que los veas. Hasta el momento llevo la página asi(aunque solo puse texto mientras):
Código PHP:
<?php include ("header.php");?>
<td colspan="28" style="background:URL(images/about_52.jpg)" width="850">
<div id="scroll" >
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Of CRUSH INC.</div>
<div id="divtitulo2left" class="h4">PRESIDENT:</div>
<p class="style2">Deedee Urbano, President, CRUSH INC. is currently working in the facilities engineering industry as a Project Administrator for Winzler and Kelly and has been there for two years. Her background is a combination of project administration and management as well as computer drafting in the architectural and engineering fields and management for architectural and construction firms. She also has experience as a business owner and manager of an interior design and architectural drafting firm. She was born and raised in Napa and has worked for the past five years with the Napa Coats for Kids program as the Assistant Director and has experience with several fundraising events and charity programs and organizations.</p>
<div class="style1">SECRETARY:</div>
<p class="style2">Ray Urbano, Secretary, CRUSH INC. is a Police Officer for the City of Napa, CA. and has served this community for nine years. He has served on the Board of Directors of the First Baptist Church for a term of three years, one of which he served as moderator. He is the Founder and Director of the Napa Coats for Kids charity program. He has been a member of the Napa Elks Lodge #832 for over two years. He has experience with several fund raising events and charities in the Napa community.</p>
<?php include ("footer.php");?>