03/12/2008, 08:46
 | | | Fecha de Ingreso: enero-2008 Ubicación: Espejo de popa del San Juan Nepomuceno
Mensajes: 565
Antigüedad: 17 años, 2 meses Puntos: 13 | |
Respuesta: Empire: Total War Este tema ya se ha hablado aqui multitud de ocasiones, y sabemos desde el anunciamiento del juego que la unica caballeria desmontable seran los dragones, obviamente. Como bien ha dicho Centurion desmontar husares, coraceros o carabineros es algo absurdo. El cometido de un coracero es barrer la linea enemiga mediante el superior empuje de sus caballos, y el de un husar es el flanqueo, reconocimiento y persecucion, no la carga directa (que tambien lo hacian aunque no servian para eso), por lo tanto si les desmontas de sus caballos anulas todo su valor combativo y se quedan en una infanteria inservible.
Sobre la entrevista esa, joder, por fin despues de meses leo con interes un avance del Empire que no se limite a repetir lo mismo de siempre, me he corrido de gusto con esto: Cita: KB: Good question, very good question. To give you an example, our guys have read a lot. We've got historians on staff, we've got people who know a great deal about naval warfare and naval battles. That's just stage one, the books, ok? We've got people who go out to real war reenactments, much like we're doing today, this afternoon, going out and firing cannons on these ships and stuff.
Thirdly, and to give you an idea of accuracy and how important it is for us to be accurate, we actually went to the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich in the United Kingdom, which keeps the schematics for how these massive 18th century wooden vessels were built. These are the blueprints, the plans, OK? We took scans of those plans and built in polygons what they built in wood, literally from the ground up. So we took their blueprints and built on them in beams and curves what they did with wood, right? And then we filled those beams and curves with true physics - imagine like, air pockets or balloons, right? - so that means the boat sits on the water correctly, it's the right size and scale, it's the right type of material, it's the right movement. That kind of emergent kind of complexity comes from getting all those factors individually right. Then you've got a boat that sits on the ocean, bobs up and down, it's the right size, the right shape, its physics behave realistically and you are true to life, and that is certainly how far we've gone in terms of making sure this is accurate and dead-on. Si esto es cierto me descubro ante ellos vamos, es que lo leia y se me caian las babas. Yo estoy harto de ver en los juegos mares planos y sin vida, y enormes navios flotando como si fueran el barco pirata de Playmobil en la bañera, es una sensacion de vacio total. Tambien babee de lo lindo con esto: Cita: KB: There are a number of ships which are common across certain regional powers, so for example, as you'd expect, European powers shared a number of different ship types. They had a standard ship of the line, which they built in certain Ratings - you have Sixth, Fifth, Fourth, Third, Second and First. The ships scaled based on their hull size, their crew and their guns, and that was true. It's historically accurate. Those ships are mirrored across different European powers.
However, you also have very, very different and very specific ship types based on the certain factions that you play. So you may find, for example, playing as an Eastern faction, you have a very distinct ship design based on different tactics, and I'm thinking here, for example, of ships like xebecs, which are unique to Eastern factions. They're very low in the water, very quick, they look like today's Olympic sailing yachts, and their job is to board, and their job is to get their crews on board very, very quickly. From that perspective, there are individual ships. De puta madre, han metido la clasificacion de navios al completo, desde los tochos de 120 cañones hasta las fragatillas de 28 y demas barcos menores. Ellos como son casacones han utilizado su sistema de clasificacion, el nuestro era igual solo que terminaba en la quinta clase, mientras que ellos metian las fragatas mas enanas dentro de la sexta clase. Y para lucirse mas ya han dicho que las naciones menos desarrolladas del este tendran sus clases especificas de navios, o sea que no veremos aberraciones como hindues armando navios de 74 cañones. Lo dicho, que al menos es aspecto naval pinta de puta madre. Aunque no es cierto que los jabeques eran exclusivos de los paises arabaes, pero tampoco me importa mucho. Aisss, que ganitas dios, ya solo faltan dos meses!
__________________ "Cañón Tigre/ que bien sabes disparar/ por que no te llevarían/ al Peñón de Gibraltar" - Hermoso canto popular |