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Antiguo 29/11/2008, 16:26
Avatar de titanvoyager
Fecha de Ingreso: agosto-2008
Mensajes: 247
Antigüedad: 16 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 3
Respuesta: Empire: Total War

Entrevista a Thamis en alemán (traducción por cortesía de mta35):

Can you just imagine and something to your function or your tasks in CA say?

Jan van der Crabb:
My name is Jan van der Crabb. You know me from the forums, possibly as "Thamis." I'm a game designer, the largest part of the campaign game of Empire: Total War cares. I have researched historical maps and regions, cities, armies and the terrain is placed. I am also for the economic system in Empire responsible.

As we in the "zone" could find, afraid that CA did not directly linked to the Total War community in touch.
To what extent these contacts are influential in the development of the game "Empire: Total War" and what was at the request of the community may have already implemented?

Jan van der Crabb:
We have some things changed, and the community has pointed out. This refers mostly to the historical accuracy, such as flags of the political groups and city names. There were also a few gameplay changes, but I can not say which. We are happy to see, as an active and knowledgeable community, and we note them ... although the game we ultimately more so as we do it right.

Since we already know that you had in the enjoyment you get "Empire: Total War" to play, it would be very interesting if you know something about your appreciation for the game might say. What do you particularly innovation, which are not?

Jan van der Crabb:
The game is a big step forward in the Total War series. Since I am on the campaign map work, this is the environment in most of the time I spend at the games. I am extremely pleased with the new economic system, especially the trade routes and that these are more important than ever before. Even the way we deal with the resource has changed completely and is an improvement, I think we are. Like probably everyone else, I am also impressed by the naval battles that are not only a new feature in Total War, but also incredibly fun! In the country battles to get a truly epic feel, even more than in the previous games.

On 6 February is the extent and then the game will appear. Will this date be respected and what is the current state of development?

Jan van der Crabb:
We are in a good way!

What is CA to the modding scene around the Total War series? Modifications will be played or picks one from even some new ideas for the future?

Jan van der Crabb:
We are very happy that people the basic idea of Total War and love their own Total War games based in the form of mods create. Some of the mods are truly impressive. Personally, I was before I Modder Total War team gestoßen am, so I know what it means to Modder ... Hats off to all TW Modder. We aim to support the Modder by Empire yet customizable than any previous game!

You can also look back on mercenaries (also in relation to the colonies), or will be any support from the mother country need to purchase?

Jan van der Crabb:
There are no mercenaries in the Empire happen. The 18th Century was not the era of mercenaries. After the 30-year war, most opted to rulers with their own professional armies weiterzuziehen than with marauding mercenaries ...

Will it be possible to train generals? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Jan van der Crabb:
You can not train generals, but you can each Colonel (without an army officer General) to make a General. But are cautious ... it costs quite a lot of money to a general to hold!

Will it be different specializations of the characters and generals, so that a better governor than is appropriate (and as the profits increase) while the others his success on the battlefield and in the conquest there?
If yes, get this character in their territory and faster to get special properties?

Jan van der Crabb:
Governor generals are no more. Governor have been abandoned and are no longer on the Campaign Map. But still some characters in certain things better than others. The trait system, which we know from previous games is still available ...

At Kingdoms, it was customary that certain historical persons had special abilities. Is something even at the Empire exist?

Jan van der Crabb:
We have a variety of historical characters in Empire, more than ever. Their skills so they will represent, as they were in real life (as good as it is possible in the game).

There will be a Modding editor with which everyone can Modders?

Jan van der Crabb:
We are not yet sure what tools we provide to the Modder, but we do our best in the community while continuing to support it.

The announcement that CA rely on Steam is caused when many fans for quite incomprehension. Many can not understand why a predominantly within the singleplayer playing a game on the Internet connected PC is bound. What is CA steam and the reasons therefor decided to?

Jan van der Crabb:
Anticipating I would say that there is a slight exaggeration to say that "quite a lot of fans" not accept steam. We have already received many positive comments since we steam and not one of the competitors selected. Steam is a diverse and exciting system which gives us a lot in the game conditions make it. The biggest difference is that we have multiplayer features in Empire can use. It allows access to UI and games, friends lists and lobbies much easier than in the actual game.
In addition, we can use the power system, so that certain things get released with a glorious path to the power to recall when certain tasks and milestones achieved.
Also allows players to apply patches automatically, without being on the Internet for new versions of files or look.
Steam ultimately has a good chance to download and install mods third persons. With such a strong modding community, we are very happy about the prospects it entails.

In the same steam train with the Special Forces Edition announced. Will it eventually yet another edition, and the only contained therein, units later also made available to the public?

Jan van der Crabb:
Remains on track for further announcements about units and editions!