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Antiguo 30/09/2008, 08:56
Fecha de Ingreso: septiembre-2008
Mensajes: 101
Antigüedad: 16 años, 5 meses
Puntos: 4
Alluda con la creacion de un script

bueno me presento y es la primera vez que posteo bueno tengo penzado crear un script para realizar intalaciones automatica (phpbb3,SMF,Joomla,Manbo,y otros) bueno lo estoy intentando de una forma bueno imitando el siguiente script que e encontrado por la red el cual crear una cuenta "ftp" de forma automatica solo con rellenar un formulario


# cPanel FTP Account Creator 1.0
# Visit for updates
# Required parameters:
# - domain - create ftp account for this domain
# - fuser - ftp account username
# - fpass - ftp account password
# - fquota - ftp account quota
# - fhomedir - ftp account home directory (home folder)
# Sample run: cpanel-add-ftp.php?
# This script can also be run from another PHP script. This may
# be helpful if you have some user interface already in place and 
# want to automatically create FTP accounts from there.
# In this case you have to setup following variables instead of
# passing them via url as parameters:
# - $domain - new account domain
# - $fuser - new ftp account username
# - $fpass - new ftp account password
# - $fquota - account quota
# - $fhomedir - user's home directory
# Feel free to post your questions and comments at

##############        START OF SETTINGS. YOU MAY EDIT BELOW    ######################

// Cpanel username and password
$user = "your-cpanel-username-here";
$pass = "your-cpanel-password-here";

// cpanel skin. For more info on what is your skin check 
// this url 
$skin = "x";

##############          END OF SETTINGS. DO NOT EDIT BELOW    #######################

function getVar($name, $def = '') {
  if (isset($_REQUEST[$name]))
    return $_REQUEST[$name];
    return $def;

// ftp account for domain
if (!isset($domain)) {
  $domain = getVar('domain');

// ftp user
if (!isset($fuser)) {
  $fuser = getVar('fuser');

// ftp password
if (!isset($fpass)) {
  $fpass = getVar('fpass');

// ftp quota
if (!isset($fquota)) {
  $fquota = getVar('fquota');

// ftp homedir
if (!isset($fhomedir)) {
  $fhomedir = getVar('fhomedir');

if (empty($domain)) {
$frm = <<<EOD
  <title>cPanel FTP Account Creator</title>
    input { border: 1px solid black; }
<form method="post">
<h3>cPanel FTP Account Creator</h3>
<table border="0">
<tr><td>Domain:</td><td><input name="domain" size="30"></td><td>domain without www part</td></tr>
<tr><td>FTP Username:</td><td><input name="fuser" size="30"></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>FTP Password:</td><td><input name="fpass" size="30"></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>FTP Home Directory:</td><td><input name="fhomedir" size="30" value="/"></td><td></td></tr>
<tr><td>FTP Quota:</td><td><input name="fquota" size="30" value="0"></td><td>numeric ftp quota, Mb (0 for unlimited)<br>This parameter may not work with early cPanel versions.</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"><br /><input type="submit" value="Create FTP Account"></td></tr>

$url = "http://$user:$pass@$domain:2082/frontend/$skin/ftp/doaddftp.html?";
$url = $url . "login=$fuser&password=$fpass&homedir=$fhomedir&quota=$fquota";
$result = @file_get_contents($url);
if ($result === FALSE) die("ERROR: FTP Account not created. Please make sure you passed correct parameters.");
echo $result;

bueno segun este script sustituye datos en esa url para crear de forma automatica

bueno la url es la siguiente

https://$cPaneluser:$cPanelpass@$cPaneldomain:2083/frontend/$cPanelskin/fantastico/autoinstallcheck.php?installdirdomain=xxxxxxxx&ins talldir=$sitename&adminuser=$siteadmin&INST_passwo rd=$sitepass&adminemail=$siteemail&adminfullname=$ sitefullname&sitename=$sitetitle&INSTALL_SAMPLE_DA TA=$sampledata&action=Instalar+Joomla&thisapp=Joom la&mysqluser=xxxxxxxxxx&thisfinddb=joom&continuepa ge=autoinstalljoomlado.php

la cual e creadon distintas variables para que al introducir estos datos estas sean sustituidas

espero que m entiendan y disculpen la ortografia ^^