/* Common actions used when posting/modifying a News Post */
function replace($what, $replace)
global $Settings;
/* Trim whitespace at Beginning and End of post */
$what = trim($what);
if($Settings['enablebbcode'] == 1)
/* Convert HTML Special Chars */
// $what = htmlentities($what, ENT_NOQUOTES);
/* Remove Disallowed Code */
// $what = preg_replace('/<script.+?<\\/script>/i', '', $what);
$what = shy($what, 50);
if($replace == 1)
$what = str_replace("\r\n", '<br />', $what);
if ($replace == 2) {
$what = str_replace('<br />', "\r\n", $what);
return $what;
/* Inserts the * thingie into certain posts */
function shy($text, $max, $char = "*")
if($max > 0)
$words = explode(' ', $text);
foreach($words as $key => $word)
$length = strlen($word);
if($length > $max)
$word = chunk_split($word, floor($length/ceil($length/$max)), $char);
$words[$key] = $word;
return implode(' ', $words);
return $text;
/* Parses Code */
function parseCode($news)
global $Settings;
/* Parse the BBCode */
if($Settings['enablebbcode'] == 1)
// Search for this...
$replacewhat = array(
'/\[img width=([0-9]+) height=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',
'/\[img width=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',
'/\[img height=([0-9]+) width=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',
'/\[img height=([0-9]+)\s*\](.+?)\[\/img\]/i',
// ...and replace it with this
$replacewith = array(
'<a href="\\1">\\1</a>',
'<a href="\\1">\\2</a>',
'<a href="\\1">\\1</a>',
'<a href="\\1">\\2</a>',
'<img src="\\1" alt="" border="0" />',
'<img src="\\3" alt="" border="0" width="\\1" height="\\2" />',
'<img src="\\2" alt="" border="0" width="\\1" />',
'<img src="\\3" alt="" border="0" width="\\2" height="\\1" />',
'<img src="\\2" alt="" border="0" height="\\1" />',
'<a href="mailto:\\1">\\1</a>',
'<a href="mailto:\\1">\\2</a>',
"('\\4' == '' && '\\1' == '' ? '<a href=\"mailto:\\2\">\\2</a>' : stripslashes('\\1\\2\\4'))",
$news = preg_replace($replacewhat, $replacewith, $news);
/* Parse the Smilies */
if($Settings['enablesmilies'] == 1)
static $smileyfromcache, $smileytocache;
/* If the smiley array hasn't been set, do it now */
if (!is_array($smileyfromcache))
$smiliesfrom = array(':rolleyes:', ':angry:', ':smiley:', ':wink:', ':cheesy:', ':grin:', ':sad:', ':shocked:', ':cool:', ':tongue:', ':huh:', ':embarassed:', ':lipsrsealed:', ':kiss:', ':cry:', ':undecided:', ':laugh:');
$smiliesto = array('rolleyes', 'angry', 'smiley', 'wink', 'cheesy', 'grin', 'sad', 'shocked', 'cool', 'tongue', 'huh', 'embarassed', 'lipsrsealed', 'kiss', 'cry', 'undecided', 'laugh');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($smiliesfrom); $i++)
$smileyfromcache[] = $smiliesfrom[$i];
$smileytocache[] = '<img src="' . $Settings['phpnewsurl'] . 'images/smilies/' . $smiliesto[$i] . '.gif" alt="' . $smiliesto[$i] . '" border="0" />';
/* Now unneeded */
/* Replace away! */
$news = str_replace($smileyfromcache, $smileytocache, $news);
return $news;
/* Censors Comments */
function censor($text)
global $Settings;
static $goodword, $badword;
/* Checks if good/bad words list has already been done (stored in static variable to increase speed) */
if (!is_array($goodword))
$badword = array();
$goodword = array();
/* Format the censor list */
$array = explode('|', $Settings['censorlist']);
/* Put the list of words in Arrays */
foreach ($array as $i)
list($badword[], $goodword[]) = explode('=', $i);
/* Replace bad words with clean words */
for($i = 0; $i < count($goodword); $i++)
$text = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($badword[$i], '/') . '/i', $goodword[$i], $text);
/* Return the censored text */
return $text;
/* Checks Banned IPs */
function checkUserIP($ip)
global $db_prefix;
/* Search the 'banned' table for occurences of this IP */
$query = mysql_query('SELECT isbanned FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'banned WHERE ip = \'' . $ip . '\'');
$request = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
/* If the User is banned, return a 1 */
if ($request['isbanned'] == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
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