Pues al instalar visual basic express 2008 me da un setup error,que se debe a que el net framework no se instala correctamente,pues bien,he ido a microsoft.com y hay dice que es porque necesito la aplicacion BITS 2.0 la descargo,instalo y me da el siguiente error''File is corrupt''.
Conclusion:necesito bits 2.0 como lo consigo??
PD:Tengo windows XP Home edition original.
PD2:He encontrado en el forum de Microssoft esta respuesta,algun alma caritativa me la traduce??
Are you installing while having a network connected? Unlike earlier SPs, Microsoft is determined that you download the entire SP1 during installation, not beforehand. In other words, the only thing the setup.exe for .Net 3.0 SP1 does is set up the pointers back to Microsoft to go get the rest of the Service Pack, download it and then install it. Very annoying on the part of Microsoft. I build servers for clients and find it extremely frustrating that I need to have a server in the build process being connected to the internet before protective software is put in place.