aver bueno este es mi archivo php que uso para mostrar mi informacion, bueno para programar esto uso el ultradev 4
Código PHP:
// Copyright (c) Interakt Online 2001
// http://www.interakt.ro/
$rs=$cnSoporte->Execute("SELECT * FROM soporte") or DIE($cnSoporte->ErrorMsg());
// Copyright (c) Interakt Online 2001
// http://www.interakt.ro/
$rs=$cnSoporte->Execute("SELECT * FROM soporte") or DIE($cnSoporte->ErrorMsg());
// Copyright (c) Interakt Online 2001
// http://www.interakt.ro/
$rs=$cnSoporte->Execute("SELECT * FROM soporte") or DIE($cnSoporte->ErrorMsg());
$Repeat1__numRows = -1;
$Repeat1__index= 0;
$rs_numRows = $rs_numRows + $Repeat1__numRows;
// *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables
// set the record count
$rs_total = $rs->RecordCount();
// set the number of rows displayed on this page
if ($rs_numRows < 0) { // if repeat region set to all records
$rs_numRows = $rs_total;
} else if ($rs_numRows == 0) { // if no repeat regions
$rs_numRows = 1;
// set the first and last displayed record
$rs_first = 1;
$rs_last = $rs_first + $rs_numRows - 1;
// if we have the correct record count, check the other stats
if ($rs_total != -1) {
$rs_numRows = min($rs_numRows, $rs_total);
$rs_first = min($rs_first, $rs_total);
$rs_last = min($rs_last, $rs_total);
?><?php $MM_paramName = ""; ?><?php
// *** Move To Record and Go To Record: declare variables
$MM_rs = &$rs;
$MM_rsCount = $rs_total;
$MM_size = $rs_numRows;
$MM_uniqueCol = "id";
$MM_paramName = "id";
$MM_offset = 0;
$MM_atTotal = false;
$MM_paramIsDefined = ($MM_paramName != "" && isset($$MM_paramName));
// *** Move To Specific Record: handle detail parameter
if ($MM_paramIsDefined && $MM_rsCount != 0) {
// get the value of the parameter
$param = $$MM_paramName;
// find the record with the unique column value equal to the parameter value
for ($MM_offset=0; !$MM_rs->EOF; $MM_offset++) {
if ($MM_rs->Fields($MM_uniqueCol) == $param) break;
// if not found, set the number of records and reset the cursor
if ($MM_rs->EOF) {
if ($MM_rsCount < 0) $MM_rsCount = $MM_offset;
if ($MM_size < 0 || $MM_size > $MM_rsCount) $MM_size = $MM_rsCount;
$MM_offset = 0;
// reset the cursor to the beginning
// *** Move To Record: if we dont know the record count, check the display range
if ($MM_rsCount == -1) {
// walk to the end of the display range for this page
for ($i=$MM_offset; !$MM_rs->EOF && ($MM_size < 0 || $i < $MM_offset + $MM_size); $i++) {
// if we walked off the end of the recordset, set MM_rsCount and MM_size
if ($MM_rs->EOF) {
$MM_rsCount = $i;
if ($MM_size < 0 || $MM_size > $MM_rsCount) $MM_size = $MM_rsCount;
// if we walked off the end, set the offset based on page size
if ($MM_rs->EOF && !$MM_paramIsDefined) {
if (($MM_rsCount % $MM_size) != 0) { // last page not a full repeat region
$MM_offset = $MM_rsCount - ($MM_rsCount % $MM_size);
} else {
$MM_offset = $MM_rsCount - $MM_size;
// reset the cursor to the beginning
// move the cursor to the selected record
for ($i=0; !$MM_rs->EOF && $i < $MM_offset; $i++) {
// *** Move To Record: update recordset stats
// set the first and last displayed record
$rs_first = $MM_offset + 1;
$rs_last = $MM_offset + $MM_size;
if ($MM_rsCount != -1) {
$rs_first = $rs_first<$MM_rsCount?$rs_first:$MM_rsCount;
$rs_last = $rs_last<$MM_rsCount?$rs_last:$MM_rsCount;
// set the boolean used by hide region to check if we are on the last record
$MM_atTotal = ($MM_rsCount != -1 && $MM_offset + $MM_size >= $MM_rsCount);
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<?php while (($Repeat1__numRows-- != 0) && (!$rs->EOF))
<table width="460" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="120"><img src="fotos_soporte/<?php echo $rs->Fields("id")?>.jpg" width="100" height="100"></td>
<td valign="top" width="340"><a href="pdf_soporte/<?php echo $rs-Fields("id")?>.pdf"><?php echo $rs->Fields("titulo")?></a><br />
<span class="texto_comentario">
<?php echo $rs->Fields("comentario")?>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<td colspan="2">
<p align="center"> </p>
<p align="right"><a href="javascript:window.history.back()"><span class="texto_comentario">>>
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