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Antiguo 27/07/2008, 10:33
Avatar de Gale Geha
Gale Geha
Fecha de Ingreso: julio-2007
Mensajes: 490
Antigüedad: 17 años, 6 meses
Puntos: 8
Respuesta: Empire: Total War

Apparently the picture appeared in "Computer Bild Spiele", issue 08/2008

Here is a translation, by yours truly.image Most of it we already knew, but there are a few real gems in here:


As already has been anounced, there will be around 50 factions in Empire: Total War. Some factions will not exist from the beginning of the game, but be generated through rebellions, for instance Scottland. The following factions have already been confirmed, the ones printed in bold playable from the beginning, and the United States probably only playable in a mini-campaign (note by on a mountain: I am not sure that is true):

* Cherokee
* France
* Great Britain
* Hannover
* Iroquois
* Empire of the Moguls
* Marathen
* Mysore
* Netherlands
* Austria
* Osman Empire
* Poland
* Portugal
* Prussia
* Scottland
* Russian Empire
* Sweden
* Spain
* Venice
* Unitesd States of America

General info

In comparison to other games of the franchise a lot will be changed in Empire: Total War. The following has already been confirmed in relation to gameplay and the main campaign:

* Next to the usual Grand Campaign, there will be a second smaller one dealing with the road to independence of the United States. It will begin at the foundation of Jamestown and end at the victory at Yorktown.
* The map encompasses the world north of the equator from the western american coast to India.
* The AI has been redeveloped from scratch. According to the developers it re-evaluates the situation at the beginning of a battle every time, even if the starting conditions of a battle are exactly the same, and will thus act differently every time.
* Agents will no longer be seen on the map. At the same time, the agent system has been improved.
* Alliances and enmities willl correspond to the historical ones, and so will weaknesses and strengths of factions.
* In Empire: Total War there will be three different types of government: absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy and republic. The type of government will influence gameplay on a series of levels, for instance in diplomacy and technology.
* Taxes can be set individually for the aristocracy, the burgoisie (evolving middle class) and peasants.
* At the beginning of the campaign there will be no rebel provinces; provinces will all have historic names.
* There will be several cities in a province (note of the translator: yiiiiiiippppppppeeeee!!!!): A capital and several other cities, each with an individual name.
* The player will be able to build forts, but youcan not found your own cities. However, there will be a difference whether you build them in the american wilderness or for instance within the well-developed infrastructure of the indian subcontinent.
* There will be changes in the resources-system, but not much is known about this, except that there will be trading routes that can be blocked and plundered.
* Most buildings in a province can now be seen on the map and also be outside of cities. It will be possible to destroy a province economically without taking the risk of a siege.
* The map will no longer be split into little squares in which only one fleet or army can exist. It will be possible to move armies and fleets freely on the map.

Land battles

Here are the comfirned facts about land battles:

* maximum of twenty controllable units.
* In Empire: Total War guns will play a crucial role, but so will close combat.
* You will be able to destroy everything on the map.
* The player will be able to build walls behind which units can hide. Units will be able to hide in houses.
* There will be a number of formations which will play an important role in winning battles.
* There will be tambours and other musicians which will add to the atmosphere of the game.
* Weapons will sometimes jam or fail.
* Some cav units will be able to dismount and mount during battle, others will have to decide before the beginning of a battle.

Sea battles

Empire: Total War will have sea-battles. Here are the facts to this new type of battle:

* Similar to generals on land, there will now be admirals, able to gain or lose traits.
* A fleet will consist of up to 20 individually controlable ships.
* You will be able to board enemy ships. You will be able to attempt to put enemy ships on fire using your own if they are burning.
* Ships will be able to use different types of ammunition.

Further info

The following further info have already been given:

* There will be a ranking system -on land as well as sea - with three ranks.
* Empire: Total War will use a completely new graphics technology.
* A new dynamic landscape system brings new atmosphere to the game. There will be an entirely new system of ballistics and physics making battles more real..
* There will be a new multiplayer system.

The world

Not much is known about the campaign map of Empire: Total War, as the devs have been very secretive about it. However, there is a picture showing lead artist Kevin McDowell with a draft of the campaign map (note of the translator: note the upturned cup of coffee plus hat seems to be a wallet; Mr. Kevin McDowell seems to be the king of kaos, tsk tsk):

From this map you can guess at some further factions, but this has not been confirmed yet. Coloured in areas can be recognised that would correspond to the following historic factions:

* Bavaria
* Denmark
* Hessia
* Khanat of the Krim
* the Vatican
* Kurland
* Persian Empire
* Saxonia
* Savoy
* Switzerland
* Tuscany
* Württemberg

Furthermore two factions can be recognised in the Caucasus and a further one to the east of the Caspian Sea. With the help of the colourings on the map and the political facts of the time we draw the following conclusions:

* France owns the colonies Nouvelle France and Louisiana.
* Great Britain owns New England and Hudson Bay.
* The Netherlands owns Guyana and Sri Lanka.
* Spain has Florida, Cuba, Hispaniola, as well as several areas on Europe and Central and South America.

It should be pointed out that all of this is mere speculation based on the map seen on the picture. It is not known from which phase of development the map is.