hola amigos resuta que tengo una clase que me genera un php captcha pero en un hosting da todo ok chevere pero en otro host no fucniona me vota un error ya me he roto la cabeza y no entiendo porque aqui les dejo el codigo y error que bota aver si me ayudan.
Código PHP:
* PHPcaptcha
* @author Myokram
* 29/03/08
* Para usar esta clase:
* Visita http://www.phperu.net/phpcaptcha
class Captcha {
public $codigo;
private $refCodigos;
private $refFondos;
private $refFuentes;
private $fuentes = array();
private $refFiltro = true;
private $refColor = array(0, 0, 0);
private $refTamano = 25;
private $refLineas = true;
private $refGradoDificultad = 8;
private $refNLineas = 20;
private $refCLineas = false;
private $refLongitud = 6;
private $refCaracteres = array();
private $fondo;
private $texto;
private $ancho;
private $alto;
private $captcha;
public function __construct() {
public function checkSession() {
if(!isset($_SESSION)) {
return false;
return true;
public function generaCaptcha($nuevo = true) {
if(empty($this->codigo)) {
if($nuevo == false and !empty($_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'])) {
$this->codigo = $_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'];
} else {
if($this->refLineas == true) {
$this->captcha = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecopyresampled($this->captcha, $this->fondo, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, $this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecopymerge($this->captcha, $this->texto, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, 60);
return true;
public function verificaCaptcha($codigo, $mayus = false) {
$sc = ($mayus == true) ? $_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'] : strtolower($_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo']);
$vc = ($mayus == true) ? $codigo : strtolower($codigo);
if(!empty($sc) and $sc == $vc) {
return true;
return false;
public function guardaCaptcha() {
return $_SESSION['phpcaptcha_codigo'] = $this->codigo;
public function muestraCaptcha() {
header("Expires: Sun, 1 Jan 2000 12:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")."GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
imagejpeg($this->captcha, null, 70);
public function confCaptcha($p, $v) {
case "codigos": $this->refCodigos = $v; break;
case "fondos": $this->refFondos = $v; break;
case "fuentes": $this->refFuentes = $v; break;
case "dificultad": $this->refGradoDificultad = ((int)$v >= 1 and (int)$v <= 40) ? (int)$v : $this->refGradoDificultad; break;
case "filtro": $this->refFiltro = ($v != false) ? true : false; break;
case "lineas": $this->refLineas = ($v != false) ? true : false; break;
case "nlineas": $this->refNLineas = ((int)$v >= 1) ? (int)$v : $this->refNLineas; break;
case "clineas": $this->refCLineas = ($v != false) ? true : false; break;
case "color": $this->refColor = ($c = $this->rgbhex2rgb($v)) ? $c : array(0,0,0); break;
case "tamaño": $this->refTamano = (int)$v; break;
case "ancho": $this->ancho = (int)$v; break;
case "alto": $this->alto = (int)$v; break;
case "longitud": $this->refLongitud = ((int)$v >= 1) ? (int)$v : $this->refLongitud; break;
case "caracteres": if(is_array($v)) $this->confCaptcha("caracteres",implode("",$v)); else $this->refCaracteres = str_split($v); break;
default: return false; break;
return true;
private function generarCodigo() {
if(!empty($this->refCodigos) and file_exists($this->refCodigos)) {
return $this->codigo = $this->generarCodigoArchivo();
return $this->codigo = $this->generarCodigoAleatorio();
private function generarCodigoAleatorio() {
$caracteres = (count($this->refCaracteres) < 1) ? array_merge(range('a', 'z'), range(0, 9)) : $this->refCaracteres;
$n = count($caracteres);
$codigo = '';
while (strlen($codigo) < $this->refLongitud) {
$codigo .= $caracteres[mt_rand(0, $n-1)];
return $codigo;
private function generarCodigoArchivo() {
$codigo = file($this->refCodigos);
$codigo = trim($codigo[array_rand($codigo)]);
return !empty($codigo) ? $codigo : $this->generarCodigoAleatorio();
private function generarFondo() {
$this->ancho = ($this->ancho > 1) ? $this->ancho : 210;
$this->alto = ($this->alto > 1) ? $this->alto : 70;
if(!empty($this->refFondos) and is_dir($this->refFondos)) {
$res = opendir($this->refFondos);
$imagenes = array();
while($archivo = readdir($res)) {
if(!in_array(pathinfo($archivo, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array("gif", "jpg", "png"))) {
$imagenes[] = $this->refFondos.'/'.$archivo;
if(count($imagenes) < 1) {
$rs = imagecreate($this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecolorallocate($rs, 255, 255, 255);
} else {
$aleat = $imagenes[array_rand($imagenes)];
$info = getimagesize($aleat);
$bg = null;
switch ($info[2]):
case 1: $bg = imagecreatefromgif($aleat); break;
case 2: $bg = imagecreatefromjpeg($aleat); break;
case 3: $bg = imagecreatefrompng($aleat); break;
$bg = imagerotate($bg,90*rand(1,4),-1);
$rs = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho, $this->alto);
imagecopyresampled($rs, $bg, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, imagesx($bg), imagesy($bg));
return $this->fondo = ($this->refFiltro == true) ? $this->aplicarFiltro($rs) : $rs;
private function generarLineas() {
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->refNLineas; $i++) {
if($this->refCLineas != true) {
$c = mt_rand(70, 250);
$clinea = imagecolorallocate($this->fondo, $c, $c, $c);
} else {
$clinea = imagecolorallocate($this->fondo, mt_rand(80, 250), mt_rand(80, 250), mt_rand(80, 250));
imageline($this->fondo, mt_rand(0, $this->ancho), mt_rand(0, $this->alto), mt_rand(0, $this->ancho), mt_rand(0, $this->alto), $clinea);
private function aplicarFiltro($rs, $ligero = 0) {
$extra = ($ligero == 1) ? (((int)$this->refGradoDificultad > 1) ? (int)$this->refGradoDificultad : 9 ) : rand(20, 30);
$rsf = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho+$extra, $this->alto+$extra);
$dstH = $this->ancho;
$srcH = $this->ancho - 2 * $extra;
$h = rand(5, 10);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->ancho; $i++) {
$a = (sin(deg2rad(2*$i*$h))+sin(deg2rad($i*$h))) * 1.1;
imagecopyresized($rsf, $rs, $i, 0, $i, 0, $extra+$i, $dstH+$extra*$a, $extra+$i, $srcH);
return $rsf;
private function generarTexto() {
$t = imagecreatetruecolor($this->ancho, $this->alto);
$fcolor = ($this->refColor[0] == 255 and $this->refColor[1] == 255 and $this->refColor[2] == 255) ? imagecolorallocate($t, 0, 0, 0) : imagecolorallocate($t, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($t, 0, 0, $fcolor);
$tcolor = imagecolorallocate($t, $this->refColor[0], $this->refColor[1], $this->refColor[2]);
if(!empty($this->refFuentes) and is_dir($this->refFuentes)) {
$res = opendir($this->refFuentes);
$fuentes = array();
while($archivo = readdir($res)) {
if(!in_array(pathinfo($archivo, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array("ttf"))) {
$fuentes[] = $this->refFuentes.'/'.$archivo;
$this->fuentes = $fuentes;
$x = 15;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($this->codigo); $i++) {
imagettftext($t, $this->refTamano, rand(-30, 30), $x, $this->refTamano+rand(5, 25), $tcolor, $this->fuenteAleatoria(), $this->codigo{$i});
$x += $this->refTamano + 6;
} else {
$tfont = rand(3,5);
$tancho = imagefontwidth($tfont) * strlen($this->codigo);
$talto = imagefontheight($tfont);
$margen = $tancho * 0.3 + 5;
$ttexto = imagecreatetruecolor($tancho + $margen, $talto + $margen);
imagefill($ttexto, 0, 0, $fcolor); // For GD2+
$tx = $margen / 2;
$ty = $margen / 2;
imagestring($ttexto, $tfont, $tx, $ty, $this->codigo, $tcolor);
imagecopyresampled($t, $ttexto, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->ancho, $this->alto, $tancho+$margen, $talto+$margen);
if ($this->refFiltro) {
$t = $this->aplicarFiltro($t, 1);
imagecolortransparent($t, $fcolor);
return $this->texto = $t;