Perdón que me meta, pero que es mejor para ustedes, guardar unicamente el nombre del archivo en la BD y guardar el archivo por separado o guardar el archivo directamente en la BD? No hará esto muy pesado?
Por cierto tambien estuve leyendo el artículo y tengo duda con esta parte:
global $strDesc;
global $fileUpload;
global $fileUpload_name;
global $fileUpload_size;
global $fileUpload_type;
We start by declaring five global variables. When we pass any form values to a PHP script, PHP automatically makes the name of that element available to us as a global variable. So, for example, if I have a form element like this:
<input type="text" name="myName" value="Mitchell Harper">
... then if I posted this form to a PHP script using the post method, PHP would automatically create a variable named $myName, containing the value "Mitchell Harper". Form values are also stored in arrays, depending on the method used to post the form (get/post). For forms posted using the get method, they are stored in the associative array, $HTTP_GET_VARS, so I would access my form element like this:
echo $HTTP_GET_VARS["myName"];
For forms posted using the post method, that forms elements are stored in the $HTTP_POST_VARS associative array:
echo $HTTP_POST_VARS["myName"];
The other four global variables that I've defined hold the details of our uploaded file. They are automatically created by PHP. Details of each of these variables are shown below:
$fileUpload: Contains the full path to the temporary file that PHP has stored our uploaded file in. On my Windows 2000 server, it looks like this: "C:\WINNT\TEMP\php29F7.tmp".
$fileUpload_name: The name of the file that we have uploaded, for example "myimage.gif".
$fileUpload_size: The size of the file that we have uploaded, in bytes.
$fileUpload_type: The content type of the file that we have uploaded, such as "image/gif" for a GIF image.
Yo por ejemplo, para accesar a las variables de un formulario uso esta forma del arreglo "$HTTP_POST_VARS["myName"]; "
Aunque accese a ellas y así lo tenga configurado en el php.ini las siguientes variables se crean igual? Sin ningun problema?
Cita: global $strDesc;
global $fileUpload;
global $fileUpload_name;
global $fileUpload_size;
global $fileUpload_type;
Saludos y sorry por meterme