Ver Mensaje Individual
  #1 (permalink)  
Antiguo 17/05/2002, 10:48
Fecha de Ingreso: octubre-2000
Ubicación: Juarez, Chih.
Mensajes: 161
Antigüedad: 24 años, 4 meses
Puntos: 0
Paginando con ADO

Usando ADO puedes paginar datos N registros a la vez. Los registros son extraidos
N veces a la vez, para que el tiempo de acceso sea disminuido asi que los datos serán
fáciles de mostrar.

<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include virtual="/"-->
Const NumPerPage = 10

'Retrieve what page we're currently on
Dim CurPage
If Request.QueryString("CurPage") = "" then
CurPage = 1 'We're on the first page
CurPage = Request.QueryString("CurPage")
End If

Dim conn
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "DSN=MyDB"

'Explicitly Create a recordset object
Dim rs
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'Set the cursor location property
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient

'Set the cache size = to the # of records/page
rs.CacheSize = NumPerPage
'Open our recordset
Dim strSQL
strSQL = "SELECT Name,Salary FROM Employee ORDER BY Name"
rs.Open strSQL, Conn

rs.PageSize = NumPerPage

'Get the max number of pages
Dim TotalPages
TotalPages = rs.PageCount

'Set the absolute page
rs.AbsolutePage = CurPage

'Counting variable for our recordset
Dim count
<B>Name - Salary</B><BR>
'Set Count equal to zero
Count = 0
Do While Not rs.EOF And Count < rs.PageSize
Response.Write(rs("Name") & " - " & rs("Salary") & "<BR>")
Count = Count + 1
'Print out the current page # / total pages
Response.Write("Page " & CurPage & " of " & TotalPages & "<P>")

'Display Next / Prev buttons
if CurPage > 1 then
'We are not at the beginning, show the prev button
Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=PREV ONCLICK=""document.location.href='thisfi le.asp?curpage=" & curpage - 1 & "';"">")
End If

if CInt(CurPage) <> CInt(TotalPages) then
'We are not at the end, show a next button
Response.Write("<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE=NEXT ONCLICK=""document.location.href='thisfi le.asp?curpage=" & curpage + 1 & "';"">")
End If