Sí señor, la acaban de lograr!!

Cita: Thanks to the support of the always amazing Mozilla community, we now hold a Guinness World Record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours. From 18:16 UTC on June 17, 2008 to 18:16 UTC on June 18, 2008, 8,002,530 people downloaded Firefox 3 and are now enjoying a safer, smarter and better Web.
Ever since Firefox was launched in 2004 we've relied on our community to help us spread the word, and thanks to projects including crop circles, newspaper ads, giant stickers, videos, blogs and more we now have over 180 million users in more than 230 countries.
So what's next? We'll just have to wait and see what YOU come up with!
El Guiness aprobó la acción como nuevo récord y Firefox se convierte en el navegador con más descargas en 24 horas

El certificado en PDF cambió, así que hay que bajarlo otra vez con la nueva info: