ok lo voy a mirar de todas formas te lo pongo por si quieres echar un vistazo
Código PHP:
// Clase de paginacion
class Paging
// Varibles to be uses as Menu Config
// If not set with the proper Function
// they get a default Value
/* How Many result Per Page
var $perPage;
/* String with the next Link-Text
@STR : Can be html to use images <img src="img/next.gif" alt="next">
var $strNext;
/* String with the next Link-Text
@STR : Can be html to use images <img src="img/next.gif" alt="next">
var $strPrev;
/* String with the Var name that will be used for Paging
@STR : Use Only [a-z][A-Z] Chars Please (DO NOT INCLUDE [0-9])
var $varName;
// Variables For Calculation Of Result
/* Variable that Holds The Number Of Results In the Query
var $total;
/* Total Number Of Pages
var $totalPages;
/* Variable that Holds the number of the begibib in the query
var $start;
/* THe current Value of $_GET[ $varName ]
var $page;
// Variables for Storing Mysql Querys And Results
/* This Variable Holds the Original Query Of the User
var $sql;
// Class Constructor PASS the query
// Only Selects
function Paging($sql)
// Store the Original SQL
$this->sql = $sql;
// Get The SQL Count Query String
$sqlCount = eregi_replace("select (.*) from", "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM", $this->sql);
// Fetch the Result
$sqlCount = mysql_query($sqlCount);
// Set the Total
$this->total = mysql_result($sqlCount,0,0);
// Method Used Internaly to Propage the URL GET Variables
function propagate(&$a,$pref='',$f='',$idx='')
$ret = '';
foreach ($a as $i => $j)
if ($i != $this->varName)
if ($idx != '')
$i = $idx."[$i]";
if (is_array($j))
$ret .= $this->propagate($j,'',$f,$i);
if (is_int($i))
$ret .= "$f$pref$i=$j";
$ret .= "$f$i=$j";
return $ret;
// Methods For Configuration
function set_perPage($value)
$this->perPage = $value;
function set_strNext($value)
$this->strNext = $value;
function set_strPrev($value)
$this->strPrev = $value;
function set_varName($value)
$this->varName = $value;
function sysConfig()
// This Method Calls All all the Config Methods
// To configure the Class
if (empty($this->varName))
if (empty($this->strPrev))
$this->set_strPrev('<< ');
if (empty($this->strNext))
$this->set_strNext(' >>');
if (empty($this->perPage))
$this->page = isset($_GET[$this->varName]) ? $_GET[$this->varName] : 1;
$this->totalPages = ceil($this->total / $this->perPage);
$this->start = ($this->page - 1) * $this->perPage;
function getMenu()
// Config CALL
$string = $this->propagate($_GET);
$more = $this->page + 1;
$less = $this->page - 1;
if ($this->page != 1)
$navResult[] = "<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?$string&$this->varName=$less\">$this->strPrev</a>";
/*for ($i=1;$i<=$this->totalPages;$i++)
$navResult[] = ($this->page == $i) ? " <strong>$i</strong> / " : "<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?$string$this->varName=$i\">$i</a> / ";
if ($this->page != $this->totalPages)
$navResult[] = "<a href=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?$string&$this->varName=$more\">$this->strNext</a>";
$navResult = @implode($navResult,' | ');
//$navResult = "Página $this->page / $this->totalPages - $this->total Automoviles<br/>" .$navResult;
return $navResult;
function getResult()
$this->sql .= " LIMIT $this->start, $this->perPage";
$result = mysql_query($this->sql);
return $result;
function debug()
echo '<textarea cols="60" rows="10">';
echo '</textarea>';