<script language="VBS">
Sub Send_email()
Dim server
Dim subj
Dim body
Dim command
' Define all email parameters.
server = " -SMTP smtp.sender.com -PORT 25"
subj = "email using Access VBA"
body = """This is <I>HTML / MIME</I> e-mail message "
body = body & "sent from MS ACCESS VB script<BR>"
body = body & "using <B>febooti Command line email</B>"""
command = "febootimail.exe -HTML -FROM
[email protected] "
command = command & "-TO
[email protected] "
command = command & "-SUBJ " & subj & " -BODY " & body & server
' We are passing one long line to Scripting object.
' If you need to add aditional parameters, do it before.
Dim wsShell, proc
Set wsShell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set proc = wsShell.Exec(command)
Dim s : s = ""
Do While proc.Status = 0
' Yields execution so that the operating system can process other events
' Use proc.ExitCode to check for returned %errorlevel%
s = s & "StdOut=" & proc.StdOut.ReadAll()
s = s & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "ExitCode=" & proc.ExitCode
MsgBox (s)
Set wsShell = Nothing
Set proc = Nothing
' Error Level values and descriptions are available at:
End Sub
<p> </p>
<form method="post">
<input name="Button1" type="button" value="Envia mail" onclick="Send_email()">